Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 4 of Norway

How liberating

How liberating

It’s so difficult to come up with new ways to entertain ourselves.


See more of Denmark Norway
8th of May

Balancing act

Balancing act

We take turns laughing and crying.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
1st of May
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Pigeons of the world

Pigeons of the world

Based on a personal experience. An American friend was very impressed by the pigeons she saw on our trip. When we asked why she pointed at a very dirty and scruffy looking pigeon with one foot and said “That’s what they look like in American cities”


See more of America Norway Bird
27th of March

It's genetic

It's genetic

It's just something that has to be done.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
15th of February

Shoes on shoes off

Shoes on shoes off

We don't usually think of Scandinavia as "shoes off" countries, but then I talked to some Americans who couldn't understand why their Scandinavian friends were always hovering around in the entrance if they only visited to pick something up real quick. The mystery was solved when they explained that it's impolite to walk around people's houses with shoes on in Scandinavia. You either take them off or at least ask if you should. Even if the homeowner don't expect you to take your shoes off they might still get offended if you don't ask, so the rules are a bit more complicated than in Japan.


See more of America Norway Denmark Sweden
25th of January
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The odd man out

The odd man out

We were thiiiis close to having a classic 90's five-people girl band.


See more of Denmark Iceland Norway Finland Sweden
11th of January

Fishy Tale

Fishy Tale

A simple one today because Life keeps happening, but I always thought this was an interesting fact that I didn't quite know how to work into a comic.


See more of Norway
13th of December

Hello my fellow children

Hello my fellow children

In several states in the U.S. you can get a fine for trick or treating if you're over the age of 14.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark America Halloween
1st of November

Here's a thought

Here's a thought

According to a fair few Swedes I've talked to this is a thing about Danes that really pisses them off, and it's even funnier because few Danes know about it.


See more of Finland Iceland Sweden Denmark Norway Demoncat
25th of October

Picking and choosing

Picking and choosing

It's a very common reaction in the Nordic countries to just dismiss Iceland's place on lists because they are so few people. I was reminded of this when I overheard two people talk about this list and one of them said "We have more people in our capital than they have people in their whole country. Of course it's easy to keep a place like that safe". Sweden had much the same reaction when Iceland was higher up on the list than them regarding gender equality. It's just a way for the rest of the Nordic countries to bump ourselves further up positive lists.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland
20th of September