Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 16 of Norway

Party time

Party time

In Sweden the number 6 is spelled "sex" and I've spent a few conventions with Norwegians giggling about it while disappointed Swedes looked on.

Edit: Damn, I was sure I had checked all the ways the Nordics spell 6 but apparently I missed Iceland. Oh well, maybe he was just optimistic and hoped it was about actual sex.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
9th of September

Kiss it better

Kiss it better

Thanks to Sankt_Aslaug who sent me this quote:

"Dudo of St. Quentin records an encounter between a party of Danes and King Charles of the Frankish kingdom. In the presence of the king, the Danes were ordered to show their submission by kissing the foot of the king. The leader of the Danes refused. One of his followers complied. But, rather than kneeling to kiss the foot of King Charles, the Dane stood, grabbed the king's foot, and lifted it up to the level of the Dane's own head, dragging the king out of his seat and onto the floor. With the king held upside-down, the Dane kissed the foot."


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
19th of August
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Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Norway has a show about nice Danish homes. That's all. Don't read anything into it, Denmark.


See more of Norway Denmark
12th of August



If you look up the Estonian flag you'll find a few Nordic designs among the official flag. They are a product of Estonia feeling Nordic, and were suggested as their new flag but it has never been used for anything.

Also, sorry for the very late comic. It's been some eventful days, and to make a long story short I forgot it was Wednesday...


See more of Sweden Denmark Faroe Islands Iceland Finland Estonia Norway
6th of August

Where's my f***ing sweets

Where's my f***ing sweets

My Faroese friend told me about World War II on the Faroe Islands.

A lot of British soldiers were stationed there, and got quite popular by behaving nicely and exchanging chocolate for lighters. They were so well liked the Faroese people often gave them food for free and invited them to dances.

The Norwegian soldiers however made themselves unpopular by behaving less polite and taking lighters without giving anything in return.

To this day some of the older generation on the islands still dislike Norwegians for this chocolate betrayal.

So remember, never not give people chocolate! They remember that stuff!


See more of Faroe Islands England Norway
10th of June
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Sand in weird places

Sand in weird places

This was supposed to be about how it's legal to masturbate in public in Sweden as long as you're not masturbating TO anyone, but then the comic took me weird places.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
3rd of June



In Scandinavia we're used to food just coming with a salad at restaurants.

When my family visited me in England we had dinner together, and they moved their food around a bit, even lifting it, before their finally asked "Where's the salad?"


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark England
23rd of April

Nordic Council

Nordic Council

The Nordic Council is a real thing. It's not as awesome as it sounds.


See more of Greenland America Iceland Norway Sweden Denmark Finland
1st of April

Big Brother Sweden

Big Brother Sweden

I've often heard Swedes say this, and the other Nordics have very different reactions to it.
Not sure how most Norwegians feel about it, but the few I've heard comment on it seemed to be okay with it.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Finland Iceland
18th of March

Frozen Scandinavia

Frozen Scandinavia

Left to right: Svalbart as Elsa, Norway as Anna, Saami as Kristoff, Denmark as Hans, and Sweden as the Duke of Weselton.

I wasn't going to do anything with Frozen until I was informed that all three of the Scandinavian countries are represented in the movie.

Arendelle is Magic Norway (very obvious), The Southern Isles are Magic Denmark (hint being that Denmark is mostly made up of islands and the most southern of the Scandinavian countries), and Weselton is Magic Sweden (hint being that Weselton is Arendelle's closest trading partner, which is historically Sweden to Norway).

Saami is, well, the Saami character, though he's not impressed with his clothes which doesn't look like any real Saami clothes.

And it all make a fair amount of sense considering how Denmark and Sweden have been fighting over Norway for centuries.


See more of Svalbard Saami Norway Denmark Sweden America Lapland
19th of February