Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Germany

So Spooky

So Spooky

They also had the option of Dayes.


See more of England France Germany America
7th of August

Zoo must be confusing

Zoo must be confusing

Someone saw a big animal in a German forest and believed it to be a lion but the German authorities couldn’t find any proof of a big cat and declared whatever animal they saw a wild boar.


See more of Germany Belgium
23rd of July
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Energy Saver

Energy Saver

Every Dane I’ve talked to about this agree.


See more of Germany Sweden Europe Denmark
13th of January

Holiday of Hearts

Holiday of Hearts

Most Japanese people don’t even know Christmas is a religious holiday. It’s all about Santa babyyy!


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Germany Japan
23rd of December

Where's New Zealand?

Where's New Zealand?


- Beer Ghost
- 3 x Demon Cats
- Finland's Knife
- Norway's Fish

Checklist Countries:
- Wales
- Iceland
- Finland
- Denmark
- Germany
- England
- Sister Norway
- Sister England
- New Zealand
- Scotland
- Sweden
- Norway
- Sister France
- Sister Sweden
- Sister Denmark

This will go in the Odds and Ends folder in a couple of days.


Design by Dayvi
Illustration by Jenny

See more of Wales New Zealand Iceland Finland Denmark Germany England Norway Scotland Sweden France Demoncat Beerghost
28th of November
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My Corona

My Corona

Every time they mention the corona virus on TV I get this version of the song stuck in my head, and as it creeps ever closer to Denmark I find myself humming it more and more often...


See more of England Germany Denmark Sweden Finland
8th of February

Dangerous Waters

Dangerous Waters

A few years ago a survey was done in Denmark that showed that most Danes like Germans more than any other nationalities (With Norwegians and Swedes in close second and third places), so consider this a loving warning to all you Germans who vacation in Denmark: remember that the sea is dangerous everywhere, even in Denmark. Every year a few tourists die, and it's almost always Germans. Your adoring tophat (aka Denmark) wants you to stay safe.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Germany
19th of July

Excuses Excuses

Excuses Excuses

There's all these stories about the Japanese football team cleaning their locker room before leaving and Japanese fans cleaning the stadium after games. Don't know how many of them are true, but one can hope.


See more of Russia Germany Brazil Japan
6th of July

Do you smell that?

Do you smell that?

Oh Russia.


See more of France Germany Russia
23rd of November

Germany didn't agree to this foolery!

Germany didn't agree to this foolery!

It's an ancient tradition in Denmark to light huge bonfires on midsummer's eve to ward off evil, but in the 1920's people started placing a witch made of cloth and straw on the bonfire. It's believed that the bonfire will give her an extra magical push that'll help her fly all the way to the Brocken mountain in the Harz region of Germany where she can party with all her witch friends.

Nobody knows for sure, but it's speculated that the idea to place a witch on the bonfire was a suggested by German workers in Denmark, and that's why they fly to Germany.


See more of Germany Denmark
23rd of June