Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Mexico

Bio Alarm

Bio Alarm

I don’t know how widespread this is anymore, but back in the day it wasn’t uncommon to see chihuahuas on the flat roofs in Mexico. Nothing escaped their watchful ears and eyes.

Generally people who use big guard dogs say they’re most effective when paired with a chihuahua who will alert the big dogs if it sees anything.


See more of America Mexico
7th of May

The biggest and bestest hostage taker

The biggest and bestest hostage taker

This government shutdown has been going on for a while, eh?


See more of Mexico Canada America
18th of January
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Hang in there, Canada!

Hang in there, Canada!

You can buy this as a wall poster from our store:


Illustrated by Jenny.

See more of Mexico Canada America Sister Mexico Poster
15th of August

Home protection

Home protection

We've been watching a lot of border control TV in this house.


See more of England India America Mexico Australia China
6th of October

Multi Language

Multi Language

I was highly amused when an American told me he wanted to be more worldly by leaning languages and listed Irish as one of them. I know there's a few words that's different, but it still sounded funny.

EDIT: Okay so he probably meant Irish Gaelic, but then say Irish Gaelic. You'd be surprised by how little I know about languages so it helps to be specific. ;)


See more of Mexico America
14th of September
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National Personifications

National Personifications

(Download for full size)

First, let’s make this clear: I did not make any of these up. They are all old national personifications of countries that I just re-drew.

I wanted to see what they looked like next to each other.
From left to right:
Lady of the Mountains (Iceland)
Ola Nordmann (Norway)
Holger the Dane (Denmark)
Mother Svea (Sweden)
Finnish Maiden (Finland)
Adelita (Mexico)
Uncle Sam (USA)
Mother Canada (Canada)
Jock Tamson (Scotland)
Kathleen Ni Houlihan (Ireland)
John Bull (England)
Dame Wales (Wales)

I tried to give them individual personalities as I see them from their pictures. :)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Mexico America Canada Scotland Ireland England Wales
5th of October

The Original North America

The Original North America

A sort of follow up to the original Nordics

The original national personifications of the countries before Hetalia and SatW.

From left to right:
Adelita (Mexico)
Uncle Sam (USA)
Mother Canada (Canada)


See more of Mexico America Canada
4th of October

Language Lesson

Language Lesson

Denmark wanted America to say this because Danes love to make foreigners say it.

All the other Nordic countries joke that Danish sounds like Swedes talking with a potato or porridge in their mouths, while Danes joke that Swedes sound like drunk Danes, and Norwegians sound like drunk Danes singing. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway America Canada Mexico
5th of September

SatW Couples

SatW Couples

I asked you what your favourite couples from Scandinavia and the World were, and here they are. I said I was only going to draw the couple that most people wanted to see, but I suddenly felt like drawing more, so I decided to draw a bunch of sketches instead.

Wales x New Zealand
Do not judge them! Their love is more true and deep-felt than any love you will ever experience!
Heh, can’t you just see the romantic sundown behind them? :D

Denmark x Norway
This was by far the most popular couple. Once again Norway is trying to cure Denmark’s fear of nature in a safe environment, and finally finally it seems like they’ve come to a breakthrough. Then Denmark touched the butterfly, it flew off, which scared the crap out of Denmark who spilled beer over the both of them and accidentally kicked Norway in the face.

Canada x America
I’ve come to like this couple more than I originally did, because I realized that they’re completely fucking some anime/yaoi rules up. Canada would be the uke because he is such a cute little bishie, but screws it up by being the hairiest of all the guys. America would be the seme, but he is insecure like hell and still a virgin. Oh what fun. :XD:

America x Mexico
They love each other, because they can only see each other’s good sides. Mexico see a rich and handsome man with the power to help her out of poverty. America see a beautiful and exotic woman with strong religious morals (Which is one of the reasons why he is still a virgin. She is not putting out before the wedding!). America hates her brother though. Damn guy keeps sneaking into his yard and sometimes invites the whole family over without asking, and then he complains about America not treating his sister well, not paying her enough attention and all that stuff. God he hates that guy!

Sweden x Sister Finland
Oh dear Sister Finland. Could you possibly have chosen a worse guy to fall in love with? :XD:

Sister Sweden x Finland
That’s pretty much all there is to their "relationship". Big boobied sex. Enjoy. :D


See more of Canada America Mexico Finland Norway Sweden Denmark Wales New Zealand Sister Sweden
15th of October

Denmark's Gaydar

Denmark's Gaydar

After posting the comic about Canada being America’s hat, I got a lot of comments asking, “What about Mexico? They’re America’s beard!”

Well, this was the first thing I thought of when I read that.
For those who don’t get it, here’s and explanation.

Yes, I made Mexico a girl just so I could make this joke. :XD:


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden America Mexico
10th of October