Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 34 of Sweden

Rise and Shine or go to Hell

Rise and Shine or go to Hell

Of the three Scandinavian countries Norway is apparently the most religious.

I made it sound rather Catholic here, but all the Scandinavian countries are mainly Protestant.

And before I get asked about it, I made Saint Asbjörn up, as well as his religious deeds. :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
6th of January

Nordics like Fish

Nordics like Fish

Many many Swedes and Norwegians have suggested that I made a comic about “surströmming”, which is mainly a Swedish dish, but can also be found in some parts of Norway. It smells so bad that it is mainly eaten outside in the summer, and many Swedes enjoys exposing Danes to it just to see their look of horror at the smell.

Hákarl is a special Icelandic dish made of rotten shark, that is more traditional than normal, though you can still find it in supermarkets. It is said to be the most disgusting food in the world.

Pickled herring can be found in all Nordic countries, and is particularly popular in Denmark. In fact, a Danish adult who doesn’t like pickled herring is seen as rather weird.

And non of this is of course supposed to be eaten like this. You are supposed to put it on bread. :XD:

And to the newcomers: “Skål” is the Nordic word for “cheers”.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Iceland Hakarl
29th of December
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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

All the Nordic countries claim that Santa lives within their borders (Sorry that I forgot you, Iceland).

Ever since I was a kid I liked the idea of there being more than one Santa, and I imagined them distributing the work between them and visiting each other in the summer. So no matter where a country believe Santa to live, I think they’re right. :D


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Finland Canada Greenland North Pole America Christmas
23rd of December

First Love

First Love

The first comic with the countries answering your questions. Hope you are prepared for them not being completely honest with you (or themselves). :D

The bridge Sweden is talking about is the Oresund Bridge that connects Denmark and Sweden. The people in charge are even talking about building a second bridge for some reason.

And before I get bombarded with comments from Finns yelling, “But it was Sweden that-!” I’ll cover all that in another comic. Have patience. :)


See more of Finland Sweden Denmark
17th of December

Computer technician

Computer technician

Swedes are the stereotypical geeks of the North.

"Perkele" is one of the most common swearwords in Finland. In this case, the only word Finland can (or will) say, and he only say it on very special occasions. I’d sleep with one eye open tonight Sweden...

And it’s probably best you don’t ask what Denmark and Norway are up to. If Sweden isn’t with them and is willing to talk to Finland, it can’t be good. :XD:


See more of Finland Sweden
12th of December
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SatW to the Big Screen

SatW to the Big Screen

"Scandinavia and the World" will never be made into a cartoon anyway, so I decided to make my own fake screencaps.

The only reason why I made two pictures was because I couldn’t fit Sweden into the first image.
And of course Norway can talk with animals.

I have no idea what the story would be, but apparently they spend a lot of time in a forest. Suggestions as to what is going on in the pictures are welcome.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark
8th of December

Sweden Playing with Ropes

Sweden Playing with Ropes

And here he is! Bondage top Sweden. Yes, this is about as erotic as it’ll get. :XD:
I didn’t plan for the comic, but one thing just lead to another...

I don’t understand why some people find it hard to imagine Sweden being top/dominant. He may look like a sissy, but he sure can kick ass when he wants to. It’s just a matter of motivation. :D


See more of Sweden Denmark
6th of December

The Wonder of Glasses

The Wonder of Glasses

There’s no cleaver (or not so clever) joke about countries in this comic. It’s just Sweden, Denmark and Norway hanging out. :)


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
20th of November

Costume Party

Costume Party

Very smooth distraction, Sweden. :XD:

Yes, America thought it would fit best if he was white for this costume.

I don’t know how well known it is out in the big world, but in Denmark is common knowledge that H.C. Andersen was omni/bisexual. And unlike with Abraham Lincoln it’s not up for debate, because H.C. Andersen wrote about his love for women and men alike in his diaries, and it even got a mention in some of his friends’ diaries too. In fact, it didn’t seem like he was trying to hide it at all, and he never got in trouble for it. He stayed a virgin all his life though, so Denmark is acting a little out of character. :D

I won’t tell you what the others are dressed as. I hope you can tell.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Iceland Finland America
18th of November

Sister America

Sister America

So, in Scandinavia the stereotypical American woman is basically Paris Hilton, but prettier and with bigger fake breasts. I’m sorry. :(

We do of course have plenty of girls looking like that here too, but they’re seen as copying American girls.

The thing about Americans is that we always see them as unhealthy, be they fat or skinny. If they’re skinny it just because they don’t eat at all and have had plastic surgeries. Like, they can be some of the prettiest people in the world, but in the most unhealthy way possible. That’s how the stereotype goes anyway. :XD:

And America is indeed spray tanned. He wasn’t originally supposed to stay that way, but then someone mentioned spray tanning and I thought it was too funny to ignore.
I just feel bad about telling you this because a lot of people seemed so happy that he was Latin American. But the truth needs to be told!


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark America
13th of November