Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 22 of Sweden



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See more of Iceland Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Poster
11th of October

Iceland ain't right

Iceland ain't right

During a volcanic eruption in 1973 on Iceland the lava started flowing towards a harbor. Fishing was responsible for almost all of Iceland's income, so to save the harbor they decided to try and control the lava flow's path by pouring water on it. Day and night they pumped water from the sea on it and ran back and forth across the still not quite cooled lava, melting the soles under their shoes. The plan worked, and the harbor was saved.

In other words, Icelanders can walk on lava and control it's flow. I'm telling ya', that just ain't right!

And to my supporters: Go suggest things for me to make comics about here I'm only listening to you guys now, so you hold all the power in your hands!


See more of Sweden Iceland Norway Denmark Demon Cat
20th of September
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A trip into American culture

A trip into American culture

This idea was suggested by Jess9000 and won with 766 votes.
Go suggest a comic or vote on this site

They wanted to see the Scandinavian boys visiting America for once and get a taste of American culture, Peanut Butter being of special interest. We do have Peanut Butter up here in the North now like most American stuff, but for the sake of the comic lets say this was the first time they encountered it. :D

I have no idea how many people will get the last part, but it's a joke on the old American show "Mister Ed" from the 60's about a horse that could talk. When asked how they got the horse to move it's lips when "talking" the people behind the show claimed it was done by putting peanut butter on it's gums (they later told they had trained it to do so, but didn't want to disappoint the children who watched the show).

I honestly have no idea why I know about that show in the first place. :XD:


See more of America Norway Sweden Denmark
5th of September

The Circle of Beer

The Circle of Beer

Okay, not so much a "circle" as a "food chain". Norwegians and Swedes think their beer is too expensive and cross the water to buy it in Denmark (or Finland, but we don't talk about that). Danes just think beer is too expensive in Scandinavia as a whole and cross the border to buy it in Germany. And Germans buy their beer in...nah, I could go on forever. :XD:

Yup, they're singing drinking songs. The first is a Swedish drinking song that is sung all over Scandinavia. The second is of course German.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Germany
4th of August

Not English

Not English

You'd be surprised how often I'm asked that question. It's usually by people from English speaking countries who can't speak any other language themselves. :XD:

And I google translated all of it from English, even the Danish, just for the hell of it. :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark America Iceland Finland China Demon Cat
12th of July
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I know I'm just asking for trouble by implying that Japan is *GASP!* not perfect *OHMYGODZ!!!* but this was too good to pass up.

They had a robot theme night on TV and one guy was talking very warmly about Japanese robots and how fantastic they were. The reporter then asked why the Japanese people loved robots so much, and the guy looked very apologetic and sort mumbled "Well, there's a lot of reasons, like they love dolls and everything electronic.....and they prefer robots to immigrants. It's not something people usually talk about, but the Japanese are pretty racist on that point" He looked so uncomfortable while saying it, which just made it even more funny.

Preferring robots to real humans is such a mad scientist thing to do that I couldn't ignore it. :XD:


See more of Japan Sweden Denmark Norway
8th of July



Ah yes, Canada and Denmark's epic battle for Hans Island.

Hans Island is the smallest of three islands not far from Greenland's coast, and Canada and Denmark have been fighting over it for years.

War ships from both sides patrol the area, and when they encounter each other their flags.
When the soldiers leave the ships they...take the other side's flag down and raise their own.
Sometimes they leave a bottle of whiskey too.

Quite possibly the tamest war ever, yet USA and Sweden have tried their best to make the sides hate each other. USA's media have had stories about Denmark "invading Canadian soil" and Swedish media had a few stories about it as well and later comedians called Danish politicians and pretended to be Canadian politicians.

So far it haven't really worked. :XD:


See more of Denmark Canada Sweden America
4th of June

The Winner Is

The Winner Is

Finally pulled myself up and did the Eurovision comic. But god dammit it was boring this year.

Anyway, no one really knew the winning country, and everybody were pretty much going "Who the hell is that?" :XD:

Denmark's comment is from this

And of course Norway know it, but couldn't tell anyone because he was the only Nordic country that didn't get in this year.


See more of Europe Sweden Denmark Norway Ireland Moldova Eurovision
25th of May

Brand New Equipment

Brand New Equipment

The penis museum in Iceland finally got a human penis. The world is a better place now. 8D


See more of Iceland Sweden Denmark Norway
10th of May

Well Endowned

Well Endowned

This is a joke on the Scandinavian state flags.
Sweden’s state flag
Norway’s state flag
Denmark’s state flag

Poor Denmark isn’t quite as well equipped as his friends. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
23rd of March