Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 2 of Sweden

Child Friendly

Child Friendly

After several years of making this series I think this and the BonBon Land comics explain Danish culture the best, though I’m not sure if it actually clarify anything.


See more of America Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland
1st of April

2022 coming up

2022 coming up

Now’s the time to get your last 2022 predictions out.


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden
31st of December
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Happy cute Yule

Happy cute Yule

I’ve been blamed for only focusing on scary and weird Christmas traditions. Well, for once Christmas falls on a Friday so I thought I’d celebrate by posting the most obnoxiously cute Yuletide picture.


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Aland Greenland Finland Iceland Faroe Islands Demon Cat Beer Ghost
24th of December

Where's New Zealand?

Where's New Zealand?


- Beer Ghost
- 3 x Demon Cats
- Finland's Knife
- Norway's Fish

Checklist Countries:
- Wales
- Iceland
- Finland
- Denmark
- Germany
- England
- Sister Norway
- Sister England
- New Zealand
- Scotland
- Sweden
- Norway
- Sister France
- Sister Sweden
- Sister Denmark

This will go in the Odds and Ends folder in a couple of days.


Design by Dayvi
Illustration by Jenny

See more of Wales New Zealand Iceland Finland Denmark Germany England Norway Scotland Sweden France Demoncat Beerghost
28th of November

A lot of Cinnamon

A lot of Cinnamon

A weird Danish tradition that always perplexes tourists. It’s not that we expect people to be married by 25, we just want to throw cinnamon at people. If you’re not married by 30 we up the torture by throwing pepper..


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Aland
30th of October
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We are in a very hateing relationship

We are in a very hateing relationship

Based on several stories I’ve heard from Swedes. Danes love to make fun of Swedes and Swedes love to make fun of Danes, but Icelandic people also love to make fun of Danes. Several Swedes have described hanging out with Icelandic people as “First it was fun to make fun of Danes together but eventually it started to annoy me and I thought NO! STOP! We hate Danes more than you! It’s not funny anymore!”


See more of Iceland Sweden
10th of September

Too top to be gay

Too top to be gay

One way to avoid serving in the Turkish army is to be gay, but only if you’re a bottom. For a while they demanded photographic evidence but these days they only do a psychological evaluation.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Turkey
9th of July

A true romantic

A true romantic

The history of flirting is fascinating.


See more of Sweden Japan
18th of June

Superhero movies got nothing on Danish cinema

Superhero movies got nothing on Danish cinema

You thought Marvel movies were all the same? Then you haven’t seen modern Danish cinema. Not saying it was a bad movie that shouldn’t have won, just that it’s unclear why this particular movie won instead of all the other movies like it.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
21st of May

Social get together

Social get together

This has become the humorous wish for a lot of Scandinavians.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
5th of March