Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 24 of Sweden

Nordic Brothers

Nordic Brothers

Sweden and Denmark have fought each other for as long as anyone can remember and holds the record for most wars fought between them. Yes, we even beat the two big enemies of Europe, England and France.
So is it any wonder we make fun of each other today? Heck, it’s a miracle we even refer to each other as “Nordic brothers”. :XD:

And what did we fight over? Well, mainly Norway, occasionally Scania, and every now an then Denmark tried to take over Sweden. Fun times, fun times.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway England
19th of December



I finally got around to making a comic about the whole Wiki Leaks and Julian Assange mess. :D

For those of you wondering why Australia got the role as Assange, it’s simply because Assange is Australian.


See more of France Germany Australia Italy Russia America Sweden England
15th of December
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Just Another Morning

Just Another Morning

Happy Independence Day Finland. :XD:

There’s no point to this. I just wanted to make a comic that had Finland, Sweden and Åland’s characters bouncing off each other.

This comic could have gone on forever, but I had to restrain myself. In my head Finland and Åland’s fight just keep escalating without any of them really getting hurt, and it ends with all of them drinking coffee together because Sweden timed it perfectly. :D


See more of Aland Sweden Finland
6th of December

Good Service

Good Service

This may seem rather random, but it’s actually a commentary on how differently Norwegians and Swedes are treated in Denmark.

I was told a story by a Finn who had heard that Danish and Swedish sounded alike, so he spoke Swedish at a bar when trying to order something to drink. But the bartender just kept ignoring him, and it was only when the Finn said he wasn’t Swedish that he got a beer.

Another story I was told was from a Norwegian. He too was mistaken for a Swede and nobody wanted to give him a beer. When he then explained that he was from Norway he got a beer for free.

Even some Norwegian tourist guides to Denmark says, “A lot of Danes can’t hear the difference between Swedish and Norwegian, so remember to tell people that you’re from Norway. You will get a lot better service”

Behaviour like that is luckily far from the norm, and rather embarrassing when it happens, but it illustrates how Denmark feels about it’s neighbours quite well. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
5th of December

Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions

The boys are here dressed as a horrifying mix of various Scandinavian Christmas traditions.

The goat costumes are from the Christmas billy-goat. It’s the oldest Christmas tradition in Scandinavia, and most likely predates Christianity, and is therefore a heathen tradition that was simply absorbed by the new religion in these parts of the world. Usually it’s made of straw but in some families people even dress up as it.

The candles are from Santa Lucia procession A Swedish tradition that has spread to the rest of Scandinavia, though it remains most popular in Sweden where girls from all over the country compete to become the Lucia of the year.

And finally the flags as decoration on the tree is a Danish tradition that started during the Nazi’s time in Denmark where the Danes weren’t allowed to use their flag, and therefore used it as a Christmas decoration. This later spread to the rest of Scandinavia.

In the December calendar picture on the traditions are separated, with Denmark showing of his beloved Christmas beer, and added Finland as Santa because in Finland they take Santa very seriously, and Iceland with a baby doll in his mouth because in Iceland they have 13 Santas and they don’t just give naughty kids coal, their mother eats them! (The picture isn’t up yet, but will be tomorrow).


See more of Vatican Sweden Norway Denmark
30th of November
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World in Trouble

World in Trouble

Things are tensing up between North and South Korea. USA have joined in. Nukes are involved.

...And in Denmark the news are mostly about the snow. Because you know, it’s weird when it snows in a Nordic country.


See more of America South Korea North Korea England China Sweden Denmark Norway
27th of November



Originally it was just about music and Sweden was dressed up for pop, but it then turned into a comic about the famous Scandinavian metal scene.

Norway, Sweden and Finland are known for metal, while Denmark is better known for rock.

Iceland is of course dressed up as Björk. :XD:

Oh, and Finland has that weird reddish skin-colour because a lot of the Finnish metal and rock bands I’ve seen are painted in some way.


See more of Norway Sweden Finland Denmark Iceland
19th of November

Exotic Food

Exotic Food

A little joke on what the food in the different Nordic countries is like.

The Swedes are said to mix weird things. I once tasted smörgåstårta and it isn’t half bad. It just looks and sounds disgusting when it’s put in front of you. It’s not a real cake, but more like a sandwich that have been turned inside out and dolled up to look like a cake.

The Norwegians are said to make really boring and plain food, without many spices or accompaniments. That have of course changed now, but most of the old traditional food is still rather plain.

Danish food is said to be well tasting but extremely fattening, or sweet. Sometimes both. However, unlike fast food it will satisfy your hunger.

Icelandic traditional food is just plain weird. :XD:

Finland is mainly known for their many different kinds of bread. I just thought it would be fun to have King Europe still refusing to taste mämmi. :D


See more of America Sweden Norway Finland Iceland Denmark Europe
16th of November

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye

The big story around here these days is that America have been spying on civilians in European countries without informing the government. It all started when Norway found out about it, and then other countries started looking into it and found that Americans had indeed been spying on civilians in their country.

But there was one thing America didn’t count on: A nation just as terror-paranoid as them. Denmark to be exact. There the government found out about the spying and sent out Danish agents to spy on the American agents. :XD:

For those who forgot, the woman with the hat is Estonia. And it is of course Sister Denmark spying on America.


See more of Estonia Sweden Finland Norway Denmark America
12th of November

Mixed Feelings

Mixed Feelings

Some different relationships between the Scandinavian countries. I tried to pick three that each would have a different country in centrum.

The first is how things goes whenever talks of a united Scandinavia comes up. Sweden and Norway starts fighting, while Denmark cries in the middle.

The second is about how Swedes and Danes seem to be fighting over who the Norwegians like best.

And the last is the result of history because the last wars to be fought within Scandinavia was Denmark vs. Sweden and Norway vs. Sweden. Sweden won both and thus became very unpopular, which can still be felt.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Finland
11th of November