Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 5 of Sweden

Dangerous Waters

Dangerous Waters

A few years ago a survey was done in Denmark that showed that most Danes like Germans more than any other nationalities (With Norwegians and Swedes in close second and third places), so consider this a loving warning to all you Germans who vacation in Denmark: remember that the sea is dangerous everywhere, even in Denmark. Every year a few tourists die, and it's almost always Germans. Your adoring tophat (aka Denmark) wants you to stay safe.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Germany
19th of July

Secrets secrets

Secrets secrets

The LEGO company used to dump old LEGO molds in concrete floors to keep people from stealing them. A bit extra if you ask me.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
7th of June
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Public transport

Public transport

Australia has different problems than the rest of us. Sometimes they get so many centipedes on their train tracks the trains can't run. The centipedes even caused a train crash once.


See more of Sweden England Australia
5th of April

The ideal woman is fictional

The ideal woman is fictional

I was waiting in line to see Captain Marvel when I read the study.


See more of America Sweden Norway Denmark
29th of March

Let me sing you the song of my people

Let me sing you the song of my people

Of course more stuff goes on in the anthems, but I asked around and this were foreigners main impressions of the songs.


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Iceland
15th of March
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He likes the D

He likes the D

I walked past IKEA and noticed that they spelled jungle with a D on one of their products and thought "Of course they fucking do"


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
22nd of February

Young Love

Young Love

It feels like all countries have their own brands of weird stuff, and no country got more stories about young men being attracted to odd things than Japan.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Japan
1st of February

Are you not entertained

Are you not entertained

I'm sick this week, so you get a simple one I really enjoyed drawing.

Denmark's park, Bakken, is so old it started out as a clean spring that people went to for water, then performers started entertaining the visitors, then food stalls were built and finally people started building amusement rides. It was just a natural thing that happened and somehow it kept going to this day. You have to pay for the rides but you can still get into the park for free and just wander around because that's how it has always been.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
11th of January

You have my gun

You have my gun

America of course has a tendency to make their own versions of foreign films, but they also edit foreign film covers and posters to make them look more aggressive because apparently Americans respond best to that sort of thing. I asked people how movies would be different if made ONLY for an American audience and I couldn't stop laughing at people's suggestions, especially those send in by Americans.


See more of Americ Iceland Sweden Norway Denmark Finland Demon Cat
4th of January

Sauna for a king

Sauna for a king

A Burger King in Finland has a sauna in it because of course it does.

All the American fastfood chains had to make some major changes to their recipes to be allowed into the Nordic countries. Burger King definitely isn't the worst offender. So be warned if you ever visit a Nordic country and craves fastfood: it's more healthy here but also more expensive because not only are the restaurants expected to use better ingredients but they also have to pay their employees proper wages.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Finland
28th of December