Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 32 of Sweden

They grow up so fast

They grow up so fast

If only Norway and Sweden had known how much trouble Denmark was going to be when he grew up...

Because Denmark is made of sand from Norway, that means we have no natural resources. That is the main reason why Denmark went crazy and was so obsessed with taking over the other Nordic countries.

And you have to be impressed. Look up Scandinavia on a map. Can you even imagine that the tiny little Denmark ended up ruling over Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, The Faroe Islands and even part of Germany?


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland Greenland Faroe Islands
9th of May

Making Friends

Making Friends


Yes, Denmark is Norway's frankenstein creation! :XD:

Usually when people send me information and fun facts about the world, it’s about something current. But yesterday I was told that Denmark is made of sand that was pushed down from Norway during the ice age, and thought it would make an oddly cute comic.

It is often said that Norway and Denmark have a long history together. Apparently it’s longer than we usually think. :D


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
7th of May
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The day after

The day after

A silly little follow-up to this

What Sweden fails to realize is that he is the last person in the world Finland would want to know about this. :XD:


See more of Sweden Finland
4th of May

Hetalia Personality Swap

Hetalia Personality Swap

One day some cruel god decided to swap the personalities of the Norways and Finlands.

Denmark was being chased by a butterfly and wanted Norway to protect him when Norway suddenly punched him in the face. He tried to ask Norway why he would do such a thing, but got punched again. Denmark was so horribly confused, and screamed like a girl whenever Norway tried to touch him the next day.

Sweden was just minding his own business and watching the news when Finland suddenly got all cuddly and kissy kissy. Sweden was scared for his life but ended up doing things he regret, and which Finland will kill him for if he dares ever mention it again.

And somewhere Hetalia Sweden is wondering why Finland is trying to kill him with a kitchen knife.

It actually hurt my soul a little bit to draw Norway and Denmark like this. :(


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Finland
3rd of May

Secret Pride

Secret Pride

I actually sketched this out back when Sweden legalized gay marriage, but for some reason I never finished it.
It originally had a little comic ending with this, where Norway accused Sweden of being homophobic (In Norway Swedes are stereotypically seen as homophobes, much like Danes are seen as racist).

And I am now told Finland is getting ready to legalize gay marriage as well, and when that happens I have a cute little idea for a comic that all Swede-hating Finns will hate. :XD:


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2nd of May
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Here We Stand

Here We Stand

...In Scandinavia.

For obvious reasons I really like that song. :)
It calls for something a bit more epic than this, but this was the first thing that popped into my mind.

And no! Country size has noting to do with penis size! *scowls at smug Sweden*

As you might have guessed, they’re saying “Hi” or “Hello” in their respective languages.
In my head all the countries are actually talking their own languages, but somehow they are able to understand each other anyway.

Finland and Iceland are not in this picture because they're not part of Scandinavia. They are, however, Nordic countries.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
27th of April

Boys are such weirdos

Boys are such weirdos

Heh, while studying the history of the witch trials in Scandinavia, I came across a Swedish book, that said that witchcraft was a very women-specific crime, while incest and zoophilia was very men-specific in Norway and Sweden, respectively.
Sadly the book didn’t mention what men in Denmark got killed for, so I just assumed it was something more “boring” like murder.

It should be mentioned that just because most men got killed for this in those countries, it doesn’t mean it happened there more often than other places. For example, in Holland most men got killed for homosexuality, but they hardly had more homosexuals.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Sister Sweden
25th of April

The Gang

The Gang

As soon as it was suggested that I drew the Scandinavian boys as Olsen Banden (The Olsen Gang) I had to do it. It was just too perfect.

Olsen Banden is a series of 14 Danish comedies (the first was made in 1968) about a gang of three small-time criminals (Egon, Benny and Kjeld) who were never successful in their plans. They got quite popular in Germany, and to a lesser degree in Russia and Poland, because they made fun of the police, government and everybody else with power. They were even remade in Norway (Where they were called "Olsenbanden") and Sweden ("Jönssonligan").

The gang got it’s name from their leader, Egon Olsen (In this case played by Sweden). He spends most of his time in jail, and always has a plan on how to get rich when he comes out. He likes things to be in order, and admires the Germans for the same reason (Germans, not Nazis). If his two gang members mess something up he explodes, calling them lazy, useless losers who isn’t worth his time. If he himself make a mistake he gets extremely depressed and loose all faith in himself as a leader, and stays that way until Benny and Kjeld tells him it’s okay to make mistakes and that they still believe in his plan.

Benny (Denmark here) is very happy-go-lucky, and rather hyper. He is always very enthusiastic about Egon’s plans, sometimes to a point where he will giggle uncontrollably until Egon tells him to shut up. His biggest dream is to never work again, and he can always find an excuse to open a beer and read porn. Lacks anything that resembles fashion sense.

Kjeld (Norway) is a family man who is always bossed around by Egon and Benny, and the only one who owns a house (Egon’s only house is the prison, and Benny seems to live in his car). He just wants what is best for his wife and son, which is the reason why he goes along with the plans. In reality he dreams of a normal life with a nice legal job. His wife is quite bossy, and her and Egon often fight.

Here is one of the most famous clips from the movies, where they break into a theatre while an orchestra plays, by following the music Same scene in the Norwegian version
And another scene just to show you what an American (in the yellow car) looks like in an old Danish movie. ;)

I was listening to this remix of their theme while drawing to get in the right mood It's because of the tempo in the song they're running in the picture. :D


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Germany
22nd of April



Done quicker than usual because I haven't had a lot of time to draw lately.

Don't be mad at Volcano. He just started smoking because he wanted the world to think he was cool, but now he can't stop. :(


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Europe
19th of April

Bonding over Porn

Bonding over Porn

Inspired by this song
It’s was made by a Norwegian comedy group, Raske Menn, and is making fun of the stereotype that people from Denmark are all a bunch a porn loving perverts, so it’s in perfect SatW spirit. :D

The song is supposed to be a mix of Danish and English, but as a Dane I would say it’s more a mix of Danish, English and Norwegian, so already the first time I heard it I imagined Denmark and Norway singing. And of course Sweden is the guy trying to stop them. :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
19th of April