Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Everything is possible when you don't believe

Everything is possible when you don't believe

My friend went to the US and the people over there asked her this question.

America Norway Denmark Sweden
19th October 2017
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7 years ago #9690624        

I get the impression that this is only a problem in countries that aren't secular. Here we don't see science and religion as competitive ideologies, but as two completely separate topics.

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7 years ago #9690628        

This is what happens when you elect someone who didn't have to fight for anything in his life and is a fucking piece of shit in general.

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7 years ago #9693237        

According to the Trumpster, Global warming is a hoax created by China to hinder America's economy, while is simultaneously a good thing because New York is too snowy. The only logical conclusion I can take from this is that it's all a plot designed by the Illuminati.

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7 years ago #9692875        

OK, so let's just get to the heart of the matter: What we're really asking for here is a cleaner environment that can support us. We want clean water we can drink. We want air that doesn't smell like shit and makes sick. We want to walk in beautiful forests and see pretty animals. We want food that doesn't need to be bathed in carcinogens because of dirty practices. We want cars that don't produce smog. We want less garbage taking over the world and poisoning and choking ourselves and wildlife. We want less corporate greed ruining our lives and the world we live in.

FOCUS on that and the matter is settled. We are out of time. It's time for the humans to clean up their rooms and figure out a method to keep it tidy. We got the tools and the talent to do this now.

There is one thing I DO know for certain, and that is sustainability and cleanliness is an achievable dream.

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7 years ago #9690596        

It’s only from the USA where I hear people not believing the Earth is round, not believing the fact that climate change is real and gets offended by being identified only as a male or a female.

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7 years ago #9690878        

It’s not really that people don’t think there’s climate change, it’s just that many people still don’t believe that humans influenced. Or they don’t believe that climate change is bad, and instead think that the Earth can heal itself. So most of us Americans know that something’s up with the weather and climate, it’s just a matter of how much of it we caused.

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7 years ago #9690692        

for those who want a visualization of climate data since the last ice age:

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7 years ago #9690659        

It's not a question of believe/don't believe, but party allegiances. People put the "party line" before facts - as long as the party is pushing that "Climate Change is a Hoax", they'll believe it. Science vs. Belief doesn't even factor into their thought process, as tragic as that is.

7 years ago #9690582        

Trust me, so many of us in the US are just as baffled that it's even a question for some people. Also Flat Earthers. It's amazing I don't have a concussion from all the head/desking.

7 years ago #9691501        

Though religion doesn't help, Republican refusal to believe in climate-change isn't rooted in religion. There's no religious tenet violated by believing in climate change. Rather, Republicans refuse to believe in climate change because that party is completely owned by rich donors thanks to a combination of the Citizens United decision and gerrymandering. The Citizens United decision legalized de facto bribery. Gerrymandering means that political parties can pick their voters instead of the voters picking them, which makes politicians more beholden to party leadership than to the people. The combined effect of these two things mean that America simply is not a democracy. America is an oligarchy with just enough democratic elements to act as a kind of release valve preventing widespread unrest.

The result of this legalized bribery and the political parties picking their voters combination means that rich donors like the oil industry completely own the Republican party and heavily influence the Democratic party. It results in the Republican party being the attack dogs of the most insanely pro-big-oil positions like denying climite-change. And the Democrats not fighting them hard at all, being essentially paid jobbers.

It also results in bizarre things like 90 percent of Americans wanting universal background checks on guns, yet such a law never being passed. The gun manufacturer industry bribes politicians to vote against even such mild gun-control laws. A country in which a law has 90 percent approval yet can't get passed is simply not a democracy.

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