Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
White on white hate crime

White on white hate crime

Ah Poland. Europe's punching bag.

That's also why it doesn't make sense to talk about white and black culture outside of USA because the cultures are so different from country to country in Europe and there's a pecking order going on amongst white people. Even people from, say, the Middle East will rarely say "You white people" but rather "You French/German/Norwegian/and-so-on people"

Now, is it racism? It depends on how much you buy into the idea of race. A Dane who hates Swedes wouldn't call that racist, but people from Eastern Europe start to look different enough that it's often called racism, and in a way that plays into the negative feelings too. It's complicated.

America Europe Poland
3rd November 2017
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7 years ago #9696271        

Don't be a racist.

Hate everyone. :)

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7 years ago #9696194        

People, in the midst of this "all white people are racist and rich" narrative, printed out simple flyers that said "It's okay to be white", and now colleges are going on f*ckin' manhunts to find the people who did this. Yes, it's 100% possible for whites to hate whites. It's called Oikophobia, and every college liberal has it.

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7 years ago #9696205        

It has been a thing in America for years, "No Irish" or "Irish need not apply", immigration limitations. Same goes for Italians, Polish people, and the French (although to a lesser extent). America, being the mixing pot that it is (300 million people and counting) and spread out over a landmass around 2 times larger than Europe ( this is including the states of Alaska and Hawaii, France is about the same size as the state of Texas) and we get a wide variety of regional sub cultures which can lead to disputes like how the Swedish and Danes often fight. In America the definition of racism is hotly debated, in the sense that generally it means that you hate someone because of their skin color or nation of origin verses actual systems of power which institutionalize and legitimize those hatreds/prejudices.

So when Sister America asks if white Americans can be the target of racism, some Americans will say yes because some people hate white people (the first definition of the term) and others will say not at the moment because there is a lack of institutionalized racism. This is the pickle, because we have been racist agains white people in the past, and we can see it's effects still in parts of our culture (the way Americans celebrate St Patricks day, the ongoing fights between Yankee/Dixie divisions on the East coast amongst others) but is it a problem now? Some people think so, and they are loud and violent.

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7 years ago #9697725        

I had to read a scholarly paper in college that basically said african-americans could not be considered racist for hating white people because they were justified by their past history. That seems like so much BS to me, since any two groups with a
'history" could justify hatred.

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7 years ago #9697196        

There is racism against whites in Sweden but the state and politicians says it's okay because whites are a majority

down voting proves me right

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7 years ago #9696851        

I think Europe is far more racist than the United States. They've got F1, and Moto GP, and Rally, and The Isle of Man TT, and you name it.

What do we have in the United States? Nascar. Bloody roundy-round oval track hillbilly redneck Nascar.

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7 years ago #9696581        

Be like panda, white black and

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7 years ago #9698416        

"It's OK to be white"
Seeing all the outrage from other white people just by a statement like this, i would say yes to americas question.

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7 years ago #9696826        

I belong to the Sapmi minority of Norway and we are just as white as Norwegians and you can often not tell us apart from them, unless we tell you we are Sapmi. I grew up in this tiny place that is a Sapmi area and has been for generations. A little while back we got signs in Sapmi and Norwegian. We speak mostly Norwegian, but the Sapmi signs gave a feeling of belonging. Then, some people came and shoot at the Sapmi signs and left the Norwegian signs in peace. This happened everywhere in this area and now we only got Norwegian signs. If this isn't racisms then I don't know what is.

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7 years ago #9696237        

@Kuusi (This comment was a reply to comment #9696231 by the user Kuusi. Since this got into the top commens, sorry that I didn't use the nested system, I don't have it turned on for myself, so I don't always happen to make the reply a nested one. If you got curious and want to know how to turn off nested replies and/or what that exactly means, just @ me and I'll dig up the link since there's no button for it and I will also provide explanation of it.)

To think that only 10 years ago we called a hershey's kisses type of chocolate candy "nigger's kisses", how the times have oddly rapidly changed.

This one is my personal favourite old ad though

(this comment was intended

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