Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 7 of Denmark

It was a dark night

It was a dark night

Ever noticed that Christmas specials of British shows are always creepy and scary? That's because they have an old tradition of telling ghost stories around Christmas.


See more of England Ireland Sweden Norway Denmark
21st of December

Gay best friend

Gay best friend

The concept of what's gay is slightly different in Russia.


See more of Denmark Russia
27th of October
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Not so holy cross

Not so holy cross

It's like an allergic reaction.


See more of Denmark Faroe Islands
12th of October

It's organic

It's organic

It's turning into a popular joke in the Nordic countries that mozzarella is Moomin meat.


See more of Finland Sweden Norway Denmark
14th of September

Cupcake Tragedy

Cupcake Tragedy

A fair few Danish people responded to Trish Regans comments on Denmark, and I noticed that not a single one of them could find a proper cupcake to use in their video. They were all like "Damn you Trish! Why must you remind me that I can't get a cupcake anywhere!?"

One of the people who responded in English


See more of Denmark America
24th of August
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You're hot then you're cold

You're hot then you're cold

For once Denmark handled the weather better than Sweden.


See more of Sweden Denmark
3rd of August

Free Greenland

Free Greenland

Some time ago it was very fashionable to fight for Tibet, but China was like a rock, so shortly thereafter people suddenly started yelling the same slogans but about Greenland and people felt a bit confused. Let's just say the modern day situation between Denmark and Greenland is different than China/Tibet. They have home rule, meaning they pretty much function as a independent country, and they get huge sums of money from Denmark to keep the country running and get it back on it's feed after all the abuse they suffered under Denmark. If they become fully independent they'd lose the money, so for now they choose to stay part of Denmark until they figure something better out. They vote on whether they want to become independent every so often, but so far it has always been a no. But worry not, it will happen some day.


See more of America China Tibet Greenland Denmark
20th of July

Nice Guys Finish Last

Nice Guys Finish Last

Sweden is the only Nordic country that recognize Scientology as a real religion, yet their European headquarters are in Denmark.


See more of Sweden Denmark
29th of June

Traveling Light the Finnish way

Traveling Light the Finnish way

Stumbled across a Finnish site selling mobile saunas. Finns will indeed bring/build saunas everywhere, even war zones.


See more of Finland Sweden Norway Denmark
22nd of June

Lost the May game

Lost the May game

The maypole is hugely popular in Sweden and you can't have a summer without a maypole. In Denmark the tradition has mostly died out and been replaced with the Saint Hans fire, but there's still a few areas where you can find maypoles in Denmark, and a lot of those places have a "catch the flag" tradition.

On some nights young guys from neighboring towns are allowed to try and steal it, so other young men have to guard their maypole, while another team sneaks over to the other town. Fighting isn't allowed, so stealth is everything and it's all in good fun.

I asked a bunch of Swedes and non of them had ever heard of this tradition in Sweden, so it seemed fitting to have Denmark steal Sweden's maypole.


See more of Sweden Aland Denmark
3rd of May