Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Dayvi

A Human Endeavour

A Human Endeavour

Old news, but my favourite comment on the story was by an American who said exactly that.


Written by Dayvi.
Illustrated by Jenny.

See more of China America Jenny Dayvi
4th of September

Sacred Animal

Sacred Animal

At a previous convention some fans told me about their family visiting England and taking photos of *rare* animals.

Sister England then visited Australia and took photos of Kangaroos.

Speaking of conventions: some of the SatW team will be at the MCM London Comic Con and at the London Film & Comic Con.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny

See more of England Japan Sister Japan Dayvi Jenny Cars
4th of April
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Just in case

Just in case

Lego recently launched their first bio bricks and have plans for years.

Meanwhile: Norway is working on their "Doomsday" seed vault.

(Our store is back for 1 month!) Store


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny

See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Jenny Dayvi
26th of March

It's the Little things

It's the Little things

This is both Innocence and Sin.

Back our card game on Kickstarter!


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny

See more of America France Eagle Sister France Dayvi Jenny Young America
23rd of September

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Mother's Day Card

Mother's Day Card

A follow up to
America is a bit confused about who his mother is.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny

See more of America France Dayvi Young America
26th of March

Going for Gold

Going for Gold

Estonia got 1 Bronze medal in rowing :D

...and some where just happy to get out of the house:


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny

See more of Russia America China England Germany Estonia Olympics North Korea South Korea Jenny Dayvi
9th of September

Sleepy Head

Sleepy Head

On National Sleepy Head Day the last person sleeping in the house could be woken up by being thrown into a lake.


Thanks to Julia for the suggestion.
Written by Dayvi.
Illustrated by Jenny.

See more of Denmark Sister Denmark Finland Sister Finland Sweden Sister Sweden Dayvi Jenny
27th of July

I'm Moving

I'm Moving

Some people say "I'm moving to Canada if __ wins" each election, but many more this time!

Don't worry about Canada:


Written by Dayvi.
Illustrated by Natasa.

See more of Canada America England Sister Netherlands Dayvi
15th of July

Up there

Up there

Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen tweeted this photo:

He was the first Dane in space, and had 20 Lego figures to keep him company.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Verity

See more of Denmark Sweden Dayvi Verity
1st of December