Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 17 of Norway

Coming of Age Day

Coming of Age Day


See more of Sweden Norway Japan Denmark
13th of January

Everything is fine

Everything is fine

Damnit! He's too happy to be put down!


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland
8th of January
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New Year 2014

New Year 2014

Hope your year will start better than this comic. :)


See more of Iceland Sweden Denmark Norway Finland
1st of January

Merry Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

A nice little British tradition. Pour brandy on the Christmas cake and set fire to it.


See more of England Denmark Norway Sweden Christmas
24th of December

Sour and Sweet

Sour and Sweet

Pretty much how the Vikings behaved in England. For many years it was highly popular for Vikings to go to England and steal everything that wasn't nailed to the floor, but then they started realizing that England wasn't a bad place to live in, so they settled down and made friends with the locals they had previously beaten to a pulp.


See more of England Sweden Denmark Norway
10th of December
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Candy Store

Candy Store

Special lion handing out yummy candy because he's nice like that.


See more of Norway Denmark Finland Special Lion
13th of November

Part of the Gang

Part of the Gang

Scotland has talked about wanting to become a Nordic country, so the Nordics can be a bit protective of him...


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Scotland England
6th of November

Bitchy Witchy

Bitchy Witchy

Happy Halloween!

During the witch hunts in Europe each country had their own witch lore.

In Norway and Sweden they were what you would expect. Women who did magic and could fly using anything from broomsticks to their husbands.

In Denmark however witches weren't believed to have the power to fly. Their favorite transportation was a horse at night.

And in Iceland and Finland performing magic was seen as a male thing, so Christians had a hard time convincing the natives witches were women. Instead men got burned and only one or two women were killed.


See more of Norway Sweden Finland Denmark Iceland Sister Sweden Demon Cat
30th of October



Halloween is getting closer.

There are several stories about Denmark being made up of parts of other Nordic countries.

First there's the story about Denmark being made out of sand from Norway that got pushed down during the last ice age.

Then there's the story of the Danish woman who was told she could have as much Swedish land as she could plow around in a night, so she turned her four sons into oxes, and the land she got from the deal became a huge lake in Sweden and Zealand in Denmark.

And finally there's the story of the Danish boy who stole from a giant in Finland, then quickly got in his boat to sail back home, but the giant found out, picked up a handful of dirt and threw it at the boy, and that is how all the Danish islands were created.


See more of Norway Sweden Finland Denmark
23rd of October

Burning Hot

Burning Hot

If you buy matches in Denmark you will most likely be buying Tordenskjold matches, named after the much beloved Norwegian naval hero Peter Tordenskjold (Peter Thundershield) who helped us fight the Swedes during the years when Norway was part of Denmark.
We built statues of him, sang songs about him, mentioned him in other heros' songs, and well, named matches after him and put his picture on the box, so no Danish child has never heard his name.

Denmark truly had a boner for him.


See more of Norway Denmark
2nd of October