Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 22 of Norway

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power

Ever since I saw this I’ve imagined Sweden to be crawling with video-game styled mutants. :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
14th of February



Svalbard is the Norwegians’ favourite island, and a place where people are required to carry guns because of the large number of polar bears living there.

Sweden and Denmark trying to shoot each other is of course another joke on them holding the world record for most wars fought between them.

I came up three different ways it could go wrong when hading these guys weapons. I’ll probably draw them some day.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Svalbard
1st of February
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Judgement Day

Judgement Day

At the moment Denmark is being sued for handing over war-prisoners to USA. Denmark claims it did not know USA used torture.

Denmark have been kissing up to USA a lot since the war started, to a point where Denmark have lost more soldiers per capita than any other country (Obviously USA have lost the most soldiers overall).

He just really really wants a big strong friend...:(


See more of America Denmark Sweden Norway
24th of January



The most obvious joke here is of course the American media’s fear of nudity while not really caring about violence.
But there’s also a hidden joke about Sweden’s past. In the old days all countries used torture, but the Swedes were notorious for it in the North. How they turned Scania Swedish is downright nightmare fuel. They would torture guerrilla soldiers to death, kill their families and wipe out whole villages who supported them. Maybe there’s a reason why Sweden is the only one not scared of Åland.

Today Sweden is pacifist, so he only gets his morbid jollies from scary ass games like Amnesia: The Dark Descent. No, I didn’t play the game. I let this brave woman do it for me :D

Yes, Iceland wants it for his collection. :XD:


See more of Sweden America Iceland Denmark Norway
6th of January

Game for Grown Ups

Game for Grown Ups

Four of the Nordic boys in the roles of these guys

The video is a trailer for a non-existing TV series about four old friends, a Norwegian, a Swede, a Finn and a Dane meeting up to play Kim's Game (The game where you put a cloth over some things, then a person removes one thing while the others look away, and then they have to guess what is missing). The Swede complains that it’s childish, so the Norwegian suggest they play the grown up version where you have to remove something from the other person’s life (like a car or money).
The ending result is the Swede and the Finn going crazy, kidnapping the Dane to remove him from the Norwegian’s life, and then removing...something from the Dane's life in the process, and well, it all goes to shit from there.

I almost made Denmark yell, “Noooorway!!!” because the Dane in the video keeps calling the Norwegian’s name over and over and over. In fact, he doesn't say much else.

Yes, it’s from a Norwegian comedy show. Isn’t that lovely... :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Finland
5th of January
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Nordic Brothers

Nordic Brothers

Sweden and Denmark have fought each other for as long as anyone can remember and holds the record for most wars fought between them. Yes, we even beat the two big enemies of Europe, England and France.
So is it any wonder we make fun of each other today? Heck, it’s a miracle we even refer to each other as “Nordic brothers”. :XD:

And what did we fight over? Well, mainly Norway, occasionally Scania, and every now an then Denmark tried to take over Sweden. Fun times, fun times.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway England
19th of December

Good Service

Good Service

This may seem rather random, but it’s actually a commentary on how differently Norwegians and Swedes are treated in Denmark.

I was told a story by a Finn who had heard that Danish and Swedish sounded alike, so he spoke Swedish at a bar when trying to order something to drink. But the bartender just kept ignoring him, and it was only when the Finn said he wasn’t Swedish that he got a beer.

Another story I was told was from a Norwegian. He too was mistaken for a Swede and nobody wanted to give him a beer. When he then explained that he was from Norway he got a beer for free.

Even some Norwegian tourist guides to Denmark says, “A lot of Danes can’t hear the difference between Swedish and Norwegian, so remember to tell people that you’re from Norway. You will get a lot better service”

Behaviour like that is luckily far from the norm, and rather embarrassing when it happens, but it illustrates how Denmark feels about it’s neighbours quite well. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
5th of December

Just a game

Just a game Iceland is a sore loser. :XD:


See more of Iceland Norway
4th of December

Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions

The boys are here dressed as a horrifying mix of various Scandinavian Christmas traditions.

The goat costumes are from the Christmas billy-goat. It’s the oldest Christmas tradition in Scandinavia, and most likely predates Christianity, and is therefore a heathen tradition that was simply absorbed by the new religion in these parts of the world. Usually it’s made of straw but in some families people even dress up as it.

The candles are from Santa Lucia procession A Swedish tradition that has spread to the rest of Scandinavia, though it remains most popular in Sweden where girls from all over the country compete to become the Lucia of the year.

And finally the flags as decoration on the tree is a Danish tradition that started during the Nazi’s time in Denmark where the Danes weren’t allowed to use their flag, and therefore used it as a Christmas decoration. This later spread to the rest of Scandinavia.

In the December calendar picture on the traditions are separated, with Denmark showing of his beloved Christmas beer, and added Finland as Santa because in Finland they take Santa very seriously, and Iceland with a baby doll in his mouth because in Iceland they have 13 Santas and they don’t just give naughty kids coal, their mother eats them! (The picture isn’t up yet, but will be tomorrow).


See more of Vatican Sweden Norway Denmark
30th of November

World in Trouble

World in Trouble

Things are tensing up between North and South Korea. USA have joined in. Nukes are involved.

...And in Denmark the news are mostly about the snow. Because you know, it’s weird when it snows in a Nordic country.


See more of America South Korea North Korea England China Sweden Denmark Norway
27th of November