Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 28 of Norway

Bed Buddies

Bed Buddies

There’s your answer! Are you happy now!? ARE YOU!!?

Heh, that question got very popular after this journal
Like Sweden would even know the answer. He is too busy covering up who he is sleeping with to notice what (and who) Norway and Denmark are doing. :XD:

I also stumbled over this cute little cartoon written and voiced by a Norwegian and animated in Canada about a Norwegian and a Dane falling in love


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
12th of June

N00bs off the road

N00bs off the road

It’s probably only Icelanders who will get this without an explanation.

In Denmark we have a large bicycle culture and is even in the top three over the most bicycle friendly countries in the world (Either number three or two depending on the list. Holland is always number one). I only know one person who doesn’t own a bike, and people will assume a person was neglected as a child if they can’t ride one (I don’t know a single person who can’t).

Therefore the safety of cyclists is a high priority when making roads, and you will find bicycle paths everywhere that has a lot of traffic. The bicycle paths are often on the same level as the sidewalk, and in some places there is nothing to tell you where the sidewalk ends and the bicycle path start. That is not a problem for Danes because we grew up with it and knows where the invisible line goes.

But Icelanders are not so lucky. Bicycles are fairly rare on the island, and bicycle paths almost non existent. So when they come to Denmark they think the bicycle paths are also for walking.
In Denmark however it’s considered extremely rude to walk on the bicycles path, and if you don’t move when we ring our bell, then you’re just looking for a fight!

Therefore a lot of Icelanders have stories of how they almost got ran over or yelled at by angry Danes on bikes. So it has become a bit of a joke that Danes on bikes target Icelanders when we see them. :XD:

Denmark is teaching Norway to ride a bike here because even though Norway is also a very bicycle friendly country, they don’t have the same large bike culture because of all the mountains. But I also just thought it would be cute for Denmark to try and teach Norway something for once. :D

A little video about the use of bikes in Denmark


See more of Denmark Norway Iceland
10th of June
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Questionable Invasion

Questionable Invasion

Years ago I watched a Danish program where a clairvoyant mentioned that Denmark had a lot of “Star People” but didn’t specify what that was. I thought she meant “star gazers” (babies that a born facing upwards).

Then a couple of months ago I watched an American program where an English clairvoyant was visiting sights around America. At one point he got out of the car in a small town and said, “Interesting. This town has 8 or 9 Star People. That’s unusual”
“What are Star People?” the host asked.
“A higher race of beings who are visiting us from far away stars, and are born as humans. They’re quite rare in America so it’s really impressive that a small town like this has that many”
“Don’t they like our president?” the host joked.
“Maybe” he smiled “They’re born all over the world, but for some reason most of them choose Scandinavia”
“What are they doing there?”
“Nobody knows, but it’s quite overwhelming how many go there. In fact, last time I visited Denmark two years ago, 1 out of 5 people were Star People, and the number seems to be increasing. I’ve been told it’s the same in Sweden and Norway, and a lot of Star People who were born in other places are drawn to the countries. We are many who are just waiting to see what happens”

Then they started talking about something else, but the mental picture of Scandinavians as aliens is quite funny. :XD:

So be afraid, great nations of the world! For we have come to conquer the Earth, and will not rest before every man, woman and child eats pickled herring, visits Legoland every year and rests in Ikea furniture! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!

...By god. We’re the lamest aliens ever. :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway America Russia China
31st of May

Eurovision 2010

Eurovision 2010

Eurovision is a freaking joke-goldmine to me!

Norway won last year, so they hosted. This was their song this year

Sweden didn’t get in this year, and usually they’re among the favourites. The Swedes were not happy about that at all, and there has been a lot of talk about boycotting Eurovision next year. The song that didn’t get in

Finland didn’t get in either, but they didn’t make much of a fuss. Their song

Iceland gave 12 points to Denmark but only got 3 in return. They were not happy about that at all, and they have made Facebook groups just to complain about that. Their song

Denmark ended up as number 4, which pissed the Swedes off because the song writer originally offered it to them but they said no, so instead Denmark chose it. Denmark’s song

Spain had trouble with a fan who ran onto the stage and meddled with the dancers.

Greece had a very testerone fuiled show and “OPA!” has become a quite popular word.

UK came in last as they often do. They say it's because everybody hates the. Their song

Turkey got in second place, and will be remembered for a long time for their “robot”

And of course Germany won with the song “Satellite”
I have to admit that I love when countries that enter with a minimal stage show wins. :)

Oh, and a small group of Americans had sneaked in were waving American flags. So out of place and silly. :XD:

And let's never forget the wonderful flash dance
Gotta' love the woman in the Swedish house who waves a gay pride flag. Oh Sweden, your closet is so transparent. :XD:


See more of Iceland Denmark America Turkey Germany Greece Spain Norway Sweden Finland England Eurovision
30th of May

How Babies are Made

How Babies are Made

And that is the story of how Sweden became a daddy.
Just in case you can’t tell, no he didn’t marry Sister Finland. He is just a responsible gentleman who knows he got himself into this, so he is not even going to try to walk out on his obligations as a father.

And yes, little FennoSwede believes himself to be quite awesome despite his parents. :D
Fenno-swedes are Finns who live in Finland, but speak Swedish, and they are often seen as more rich, snobbish and annoyingly happy compared to the rest of Finland’s population. :XD:

Some of you might have noticed that the people in Scania and the fenno-swedes use the same flag. I believe that is going to be hella’ confusing, but I’ll try and remember to tell you who is who if it isn’t clear from the comic.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Aland Iceland FennoSwede
29th of May
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Dysfunctional Family

Dysfunctional Family

People become crazy axe murders for various reasons. :XD:

Inspired by a comment to one of my pictures, “It’s incredible how such a small island like Åland can keep a whole country on it’s toes. It’s like Åland rules Finland and not the other way around!”

Obviously I’m overdoing the real Finland and Åland’s relationship, but I had to illustrate just how much of a troll Åland can be to Finland, because he is the only male character who isn’t afraid of Finland at all. He has been playing his cards perfectly from the start, and now he has Finland by the balls, so to speak.

Besides, Finland needs to be put in his place every now and then. Yes, their family is a little dysfunctional at times. ;)


See more of Aland Finland Norway Sweden Denmark
24th of May

Three Drunks

Three Drunks

I was going though some old sketches of these guys that I made back around the first comics, and one was a watercolour sketch of them drinking together. I thought it was cute but horribly drawn, so I decided to remake it.

I think it was supposed to be a joke on how a lot of Swedes and Norwegians come to Denmark for cheap, easy-to-get beer, which is why they’re obviously drinking some Danish brew. In fact, back when I was making up the characters I almost made Sweden a drunk, because that’s the Danish stereotype of a Swede. That’s all we ever see of the Swedes in the streets of Copenhagen. :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
24th of May

Clothes Confusion

Clothes Confusion

Inspired by something I witnessed on a bus once. I sat opposite of two women in nikabs, which is a rare sight around here (usually it’s just scarfs). Then a bunch of kindergarten children got on, and when they saw the women, one little boy yelled “Ninjas!” and all the other children more or less went, “Oooooooh!”.

Their teacher tried to explain that the women weren’t ninjas, but I later heard two of the boys speculate on whatever or not the women were hiding their awesome ninja swords under their clothes.

One of the most entertaining bus rides I’ve ever been on. :D


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
22nd of May

Happy Birthday Norway

Happy Birthday Norway

Today is the day when Norway yelled a big fat ”Screw You!” to Denmark and Sweden and got his own constitution.

No country celebrates it’s independent day like Norway. You Americans may think you do a pretty good job a celebrating yours, but you’ve got nothing on Norway. This is what May 17 looks like in the land of the midnight sun Lots of flags and national costumes.

Like my Norwegian co-worker ones said, “You stand around in your national costume that is way too hot and sings songs louder than you would ever dare on a normal day, and yet you feel so proud”

The Danish radio station I listen to at work celebrated it by playing Norwegian music all morning. :D

PS: Yes, that cake does indeed taste like fish, because that is how Sweden makes food. Norway loved it, and Denmark just ate buns.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
17th of May

Bedtime Drama

Bedtime Drama

Normally they have their own houses, but every now an then they spend a few days at The Nordic House where they have their meetings. Here everything can turn to drama, including sleeping.

Norway went to bed first, and Denmark followed shortly after. Then came Iceland who had had a crappy day, so he didn’t feel like sleeping next to Denmark. Sweden who had been watching the news on TV finally crawled into bed, not really caring who he ended up next to. Finally came Finland who had been out drinking in the forest, and had only just found his way back home. He was rather dismayed that he would have to sleep next to Sweden and briefly considered just sleeping on the sofa, but decided that it was too cold to sleep alone. Instead he placed himself at the very edge of the bed, with his back to the others.

At some point doing the night Sweden realized Denmark was butt-naked. He suddenly felt very uncomfortable lying next to him, so during the night he moved closer and closer to Finland, away from Denmark. Finland had been freezing, sleeping so far away from the others, so in his sleep he grabbed Sweden’s duvet. That meant Sweden started to freeze, so he ended up getting hold of Denmark’s duvet instead. Denmark, being the pervert he is during his waking hours, went for body-heat, which woke up Norway. He was used to Denmark being clingy, so he just covered him with his own duvet and went back to sleep.

Iceland, being the guy with “ice” in his name, happily slept though it all, and was lucky enough to get up for his morning run before the rest woke up and the morning "how the hell did you end up with my duvet!?" drama started.

Yes, I thought of all that while drawing this. :D


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland
12th of May