Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 9 of Norway

Let's Party

Let's Party

You do not understand how much I love Kopparberg.

On The Faroe Islands it's a bit of a problem that alcoholics steal hand sanitizer and drink it. They do it because alcohol for drinking is so damn expensive on the islands. How they are not all dead is one of life's great mysteries.


See more of Sweden Finland Norway Denmark Faroe Islands
21st of July

Big Bad Wolf

Big Bad Wolf

We just got our first wolf family in Denmark in 200 years, and the first thing some politicians want to do is kill them.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
14th of July
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Do they even have any real complaints!?!


See more of Sweden Finland Denmark Norway Iceland
16th of June

Rare Goods

Rare Goods

So yeah, that is an actual thing in Iceland

Thanks to Heather Jochens on Twitter for the link.


See more of Iceland Norway Demon Cat
1st of June

Clean Living

Clean Living

Sorry about the super late comic today guys. I was supposed to go to London Expo, then got sick and had to stay at home and things have generally not been going my way this week.

Anyway, selling canned air to China is a thing now. "High quality air" from mountains and the seaside is worth quite a bit, and people from several countries are entering the "air business".

The thing about the water isn't so much a Norwegian problem specifically, but there have been a few bottled water companies that claimed to sell super special borderline magical water from remote mountain tops, only to get if from the tap or even dirty lakes. So we can't really mock the Chinese too much for buying air.


See more of Canada Norway Sweden
26th of May
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Eurovision 2017

Eurovision 2017

*fingers in ears* It's not political!

Apparently Little My from the Moomins and Sailor Moon are Lithuania and Belarus' ascetics this year. And let's not forget that Epic Sax Guy is back.


See more of Europe Ukraine Belarus Lithuania Moldova Austria Sweden Norway Denmark Russia
12th of May

Equality means no mercy

Equality means no mercy

While I lived in England I realized how good we have it in Scandinavia. Norway, Sweden and Denmark have a bloody past with each other, but somehow we managed to put it all behind us and can now tease each other all we want without it turning ugly.

If Norway hadn't struck oil they might have been our Ireland today (England can joke about them, but only to a point), but now they're the richest country in Europe so we're all good.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
6th of April

Fall from grace

Fall from grace

Please Norway, do not take this from us. Being the happiest country is all we got.

When they talked about this on the Danish news the reporter said "We've always seen Sweden as our nemesis, but maybe it's time to turn our attention to Norway"


See more of UN Norway Denmark Iceland
24th of March

Suit up...WITH GUNS

Suit up...WITH GUNS

You know things are heating up when Sweden puts his military uniform on.


See more of Sweden America Russia China Nato Denmark Norway Iceland Scania
3rd of March

Living Hell

Living Hell

I live in the North and can confirm it's a living hell.


See more of America Sweden Denmark Iceland Norway
23rd of February