Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
We're gonna need a bigger boat

We're gonna need a bigger boat

Something a bit different. A story I’ve seen several times now but don’t know the origin of.

3rd July 2020
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5 years ago #9834028        

And in the instances where the fisherman decides to take the capitalist up on the idea, they quickly find that the capitalist is the one selling the boats and fishing gear and the one who buys the fish, and before too long none of the fishermen in the area can afford to eat the fish they catch anymore.

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5 years ago #9834043        

"I caught all the fish I need for the day" - that phrase can be understood in two ways. Lots of people seem to think fisherman says he got only enough to get him through that day.
I have story from my own experience. I like cutting trees (mostly so forests won't be to thick and remaining trees grow fat), I work for ~2 hours per day. I also got asked question why I dont work more and earn more. My answer same as fisherman. 2 hours = 50euros profit at the very least. My living /spending expenses never reach more than 15 euros. That leaves me with 10k extra each year. So I say "I cut all the trees for they day" and do whatever I want for the rest. Be it more cutting, sleeping, drinking or whatever I want...

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5 years ago #9833933        

It's an old story, but it always leaves out what happens to the fisherman's family if he doesn't catch enough the next day, or if there's a medical emergency, or if his kids want to pursue an education.

It's important to remember that the only importance money has is that it enables the things that are important. Health is more important than money, but you aren't going to be healthy without paying for medical care and a varied diet. Family is more important than money, except it's extremely hard to keep a family together without the most basic of necessities, to say nothing of the actual financial cost of raising a kid these days. Self respect is important, but it's a lot easier to respect yourself when you have enough money that you have the option of not doing something you'd rather not do. Love is incredibly important, but curiously, love seems to be more difficult without money.

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5 years ago #9834175        

It'd be nice to be the fisherman. Sadly, today's world is setup to force you to work more. It's probably only a matter of time before commercial fishermen are able to sell their fish for cheaper and in great quantities, forcing the fisherman to work more or worse yet to work for the commercial fishermen. After the area is overfished, they'll have to work overtime for short spans of time when the government opens the fishery for the season and may still have to get another job during winter.

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5 years ago #9834022        

There was this spanish orange juice tycoon. When asked about the origin of his fortune, he told that when young and very hungry he was given two oranges. He peeled both, and while eating the first a tourist bought the second, peeled one. So he bought two more, peeled and sold them, and so on. "Then, that's how you became so wealthy, right?" "Hell no, I won 50 MM euros at the lottery last year. Lousy oranges just soiled my shirts"

5 years ago #9833963        

Oh, I actually know this one.

The business man works hard and looks for all sorts of ways to maximize his money and earnings, spending more time away from his family and getting stressed from not having time to pursue his hobbies or enjoy his life. The "lazy" man does what he needs to do for the interim and enjoys his free time while living a low stress life.

Yes, there are merits and downsides to both positions, and the moral of the story is to find a happy balance that allows you to make more while still being able to enjoy your life. Because really, what good is all the money in the world if you don't have time to spend or enjoy it until you're in old age?

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5 years ago #9833951        

The original source for this is a 1963 short story by Heinrich Böll titled Anekdote zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral. See

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5 years ago #9834161        

Anyone wonder when the businessman expects you to stop? Borrow money, buy bigger boat. Fish. Sell fish. Make payments on boat, hire more fisherman for you boat, keep fishing.

Eventually you will crash the fishery. Then you declare bankruptcy and only the businessman (who buys the fish and sells the boats) has anything left.

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5 years ago #9834145        

I often question today's idea of success.
For some reason its consider crazy to like and want just a simple life. Its automatically associated with poor or lazy. But that's wrong. A simple life means you are happy with out luxury items. You found out what you want and need to be happy, and don't want anything more because you don't see the need for it, and trying to get more its pointless/tiring for you.
We live life in such a rush, work so hard, and often realise too late „Oh, I'm not happy with how I spend so many years doing X. I wish I would had enjoyed the simple things more often."
Not saying its wrong to want more in life course. But I do think our current view of a simple life is wrong.
Success should not be based on how many things you own. It should be based on how happy you are with your life.

5 years ago #9834139        

"Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism"-Max Weber

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