Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 28 of Sweden

Kung Fu Fighting

Kung Fu Fighting

Denmark has always been horribly bad at ice hockey, until they got trained by the Swedish team.
Finland was completely unprepared for this, and was stunned when the Danish team beat them.

They then tried to ridicule the Danes by saying, “You only won because Sweden helped you!”
To which the Danes responded, “Of course. How else did you think we suddenly got so good?”

So Finland’s attempt at making Sweden and Denmark mortal enemies in ice hockey failed horribly. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Finland
9th of August

Religious Flags

Religious Flags

Naughty France. :D

The “no religious symbols” laws are only meant for schools, so I was a bit creative with this one.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway France Italy
7th of August
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Party Crasher

Party Crasher

Oh how often I have been asked by Estonians, “Where is Estonia? We’re a Nordic country too!”

Problem is, the other Nordics doesn’t think so. :XD:

I asked around what the stereotypes for the Baltic countries were, and the overall answer was, “Very depressed people who wear grey and live in grey houses”

Estonia have a good relationship with Finland, which is why he doesn’t hide, but he doesn’t consider her a Nordic either which is why he doesn’t let her in. The Finland’ish hat is because Estonians are seen as being very much like Finns by the other Baltics.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Iceland Finland Estonia Latvia Lithuania
4th of August

Drama Bear

Drama Bear


A few days ago a pair of Norwegians were attacked by a polar bear while they were sleeping in their tent. They were supposed to be the first tourists on a new rout on one of Norway’s more famous islands, Svalbard.

My first thought when seeing that on the news was, "Well Norway, seems like not even you can be friends with all animals..." :D

And don't worry. While one of the guys got hurt quite a bit, they both survived. :)


See more of Svalbard Norway Denmark Iceland Sweden
2nd of August

Highest Points

Highest Points

Well, it speaks for itself.

I almost put Greenland in with it's 3.694,00 meters but didn't want to steal Norway's spotlight.
Thinking about it, I might do another one including Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Åland.


See more of Denmark Finland Sweden Iceland Norway
1st of August
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Germany on Vacation

Germany on Vacation

German tourists dig deep holes in Dutch and Danish beaches and steal “Beware of Moose” signs in Sweden and Norway.

The two things have to be connected somehow, or the world no longer makes sense! D:


See more of Germany Netherlands Denmark Norway Sweden
1st of August

The mind of a child

The mind of a child

England got his proper flag this time, mainly because I’m a lazy fuck who hates drawing the UK flag over and over.

Anyway, the story behind this is that it took forever for Denmark and England to become friends while Sweden and especially Norway befriended him fairly quickly. Denmark on the other hand got friendly with Russia whom most of the world didn't like. :XD:


See more of England Denmark Norway Sweden Russia
28th of July

Just a Tool

Just a Tool

Boy have I gotten a lot of notes and what not about this.

Some strange item from the stone age was found in Sweden. People can't agree on what it is.


See more of Denmark Sweden Tools
26th of July

What did you say?

What did you say?

Ah, the languages of the Nordics.

Few people realize this, but Norwegians actually speak a language that is far closer to old Danish than Norwegian, while people on Iceland actually speak something close to old Norwegian.
Little FennoSwede is holding on to his uncle Finland because FennoSwedes are Finns who speak Swedish.

Though, you could really just say Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and to some extend Icelandic (But not Finnish) are nothing more than different dialects, seeing as we understand each other if we talk reeeeaaaaly slow and clear.

And it will of course never not be funny how some Americans treat British like a completely different language. :XD:
Sure, some words are different and it’s a different accent, but try coming to Europe. We’ll show you what “different language” means. ;)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland FennoSwede America England
25th of July

Forest Sea and Mountains

Forest Sea and Mountains

I once found a geography book about Scandinavia, and each country got a title like this.

Sweden is known for it’s massive forests that seem to never end, and they have the biggest lakes in Scandinavia. Heck, one lake is even as big as the Danish island Zealand. They take good care to preserve the forests, so every time they cut a tree down, and new is planted.

You’ll have to dig a long way down to find rock in Denmark. It’s impossible to get more than 50 kilometres away from the sea and compared to the size of the country, Denmark has one of the longest coastlines in the world. Tourists mainly come here for the nice beaches.
In this song one of the lines go, “If they ask us where we live, we tell them, ‘Where the salt grows’”
Because the country is so flat, it's also very windy.

Norway, a country almost made entirely of mountains. Try looking at pictures from Norwegian nature. You will be hard pressed to find a single one without at least three mountains in the back. It has of course had a big influence on a the Norwegians’ lives, even down to what they eat, and they have some of the most expensive vegetables you’ll find. The mountains also have a bad tendensy to "hold onto" clouds, which results in a lot of rain.

EDIT: Finland isn't part of Scandinavia. Finland is part of Fennoscandinavia and the Nordics.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
25th of July