Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 17 of Sweden



If you look up the Estonian flag you'll find a few Nordic designs among the official flag. They are a product of Estonia feeling Nordic, and were suggested as their new flag but it has never been used for anything.

Also, sorry for the very late comic. It's been some eventful days, and to make a long story short I forgot it was Wednesday...


See more of Sweden Denmark Faroe Islands Iceland Finland Estonia Norway
6th of August

Scandinavian Design

Scandinavian Design

Kuwait is getting real tired of your shit guys.

The Kuwait National Assembly Building was designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the same guy who designed the Sydney Opera House. To illustrate his idea to the Kuwaiti people, he used a row of empty beer bottles.

When the Kuwaiti people asked the Swedish architect Sune Lindström for a new tower, his original idea was to make it mushroom shaped, but he was asked to change the design, so Sune's Danish wife Malene Bjørn made a new design which is now Kuwait's most famous building.

The Towers were build before the National Assembly. I just thought it was funnier this way.


See more of Kuwait Denmark Sweden Australia
1st of July
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Sand in weird places

Sand in weird places

This was supposed to be about how it's legal to masturbate in public in Sweden as long as you're not masturbating TO anyone, but then the comic took me weird places.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
3rd of June



In Scandinavia we're used to food just coming with a salad at restaurants.

When my family visited me in England we had dinner together, and they moved their food around a bit, even lifting it, before their finally asked "Where's the salad?"


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark England
23rd of April

Nordic Council

Nordic Council

The Nordic Council is a real thing. It's not as awesome as it sounds.


See more of Greenland America Iceland Norway Sweden Denmark Finland
1st of April
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Big Brother Sweden

Big Brother Sweden

I've often heard Swedes say this, and the other Nordics have very different reactions to it.
Not sure how most Norwegians feel about it, but the few I've heard comment on it seemed to be okay with it.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Finland Iceland
18th of March

Hurry hurry hurry

Hurry hurry hurry

Denmark was well aware that it didn't have the military power to fight the Nazis, so the plan was to surrender and cooperate with them. However, they also knew what the Nazis did to Jews, so when reports came in that the Nazis were on their way the Danish government immediately got hold of 99% of Danish Jews and shipped them off to neutral Sweden in the dead of night.
(Unlike in this comic though, the Jews knew where they were going and why)

This of course also means the Jewish community in Denmark is pretty small today.


See more of Denmark Sweden Nazi Germany
11th of March



Juokse = Run (as in a command), Juoksennella = to run around aimlessly.
Juoksentelisin = I would run around aimlessly (-isin means that we're talking about "I" here, and it also includes the "would" in the -tel- part combined with the -isin.) ((it would be "juoksentelen" if the person was doing it right now))
Juoksentelisinko = Would I run around aimlessly? (-ko signifies that the person is not sure and asks a question, "Would I?"
Juoksentelisinkohan = I wonder if I should run around aimlessly? (it looks unreal that a simple -han could add this much stuff but yeah, it does. The word can also mean "I wonder if I WOULD run around aimlessly?")
In a same fashion you can say, for example, "rakentelisinkohan?". (Rakentaa = to build. Rakentelisinkohan = I wonder if I should/would build (something) randomly/aimlessly?"
And that's Finnish for you. Don't ask how native Finns learn that shit, I'm not even sure myself.


See more of Sweden Finland Dayvi Verity
6th of March

Frozen Scandinavia

Frozen Scandinavia

Left to right: Svalbart as Elsa, Norway as Anna, Saami as Kristoff, Denmark as Hans, and Sweden as the Duke of Weselton.

I wasn't going to do anything with Frozen until I was informed that all three of the Scandinavian countries are represented in the movie.

Arendelle is Magic Norway (very obvious), The Southern Isles are Magic Denmark (hint being that Denmark is mostly made up of islands and the most southern of the Scandinavian countries), and Weselton is Magic Sweden (hint being that Weselton is Arendelle's closest trading partner, which is historically Sweden to Norway).

Saami is, well, the Saami character, though he's not impressed with his clothes which doesn't look like any real Saami clothes.

And it all make a fair amount of sense considering how Denmark and Sweden have been fighting over Norway for centuries.


See more of Svalbard Saami Norway Denmark Sweden America Lapland
19th of February

Coming of Age Day

Coming of Age Day


See more of Sweden Norway Japan Denmark
13th of January