Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 39 of Sweden

Eurovision Song Contest

Eurovision Song Contest

The Eurovision Song Contest is serious business...In some places.

So Norway won this year, with Iceland in second place. People in Sweden and Denmark were all like, “Damit! We wanted to win! But yay! Our Norwegian brother won instead!”. The Danes were thoroughly pissed that Sweden didn’t give us a single point this year though, because it’s a bit of an unspoken rule that the Scandinavian countries vote for each other. Ah, Eurovision is always so much fun. :XD:

For those who don’t know, Norway won with this song:
Iceland who came in second place had this:


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland England America Eurovision
17th of July

Party Photos

Party Photos

Stereotypical Norwegians love nature. A lot.

The funny thing is that this is actually based on real life. One of my bosses is from Norway, and he is usually the one to take pictures at parties and what not. At one point he was supposed to take pictures of some people working outside the hospital, but when I later flipped through the pictures on the camera, there was mainly pictures of a crow jumping around on the lawn and some of a tree standing near by. :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
16th of July
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No invitation

No invitation

They’re finally here! Finland and Iceland (and Germany)!

The joke behind this is that everybody agrees that Sweden, Norway and Denmark make up Scandinavia, but some say that Finland and Iceland are part of it too. Most people in Sweden, Norway and Denmark doesn’t consider them to be part of Scandinavia though.
No invitation for you!

The Finnish stereotype is a masculine drunk mute with a knife. I had to read up on this because Denmark don’t have a lot to do with Finland, but when I read the description I knew I had to include him sooner or later. :XD:

Icelanders are considered to be more beautiful than other Nordic people. They also see themselves as risk-takers, who love extreme sports, so I gave him some sporty cloth and sunglasses, and little sparkles to emphasise his prettiness. :)

I've read that when Germans go to America they often get yelled at and called Nazis. Most people here are way beyond that because we live right next to them and see them quite often. Instead our German stereotype is a loud guy with really bad hair and cloth, who loves sausages.
My father’s sister married a German, so I did everything in my power not to make the character look like him. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Iceland Germany
14th of July

Everybody can have boobs

Everybody can have boobs

Denmark was the first country in the world to turn a transsexual man into a woman.

Yes, Denmark is doing a little beer-opening dance. And no, Sweden is not a fan of man-boobs. :XD:

And to the newcomers, “skål” is the Scandinavian word for “cheers”.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
12th of July

Good to see you England

Good to see you England

Oh what fun Sweden, Norway and Denmark used to have with England. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway England
9th of July
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We should be friends

We should be friends

Sweden Denmark and Norway never hates each other more than when we play football. :XD:

I wanted to include Greenland somehow, and then started wondering if Sweden and Norway have any islands where they don't speak Swedish or Norwegian. Sweden doesn’t have any, and Norway just have volcano island, Jan Mayen (Besides Svalbard), where the only humans are Norwegian scientists.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Greenland England Jan Mayen
5th of July

They're so stupid

They're so stupid

~smokewithoutmirrors said it best:

"I find it hilarious how Swedes see Denmark as the most laid-back (and full of raging alcoholics) but still crack the most stupid jokes about Norwegians"



See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
3rd of July

Porn for Everybody

Porn for Everybody

Just a quick silly comic. Please feel sorry for Sweden in this. :XD:

Denmark was the first country in the world to legalise porn, and later the first country to allow registered partnership between homosexuals. And it’s legal to have sex with animals in Denmark (and Norway), so we get sex-tourists from our surrounding countries, looking for some animalistic loving.
Yes, it’s not without reason Sweden and Norway see Denmark as... um, “free spirited” at times. :XD:

“Skål” is of course the Scandinavian word for “Cheers”. :)


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
2nd of July

Sweden Denmark and Norway

Sweden Denmark and Norway

Hooray for stereotypes!

Sweden, Denmark and Norway as we see each other and ourselves.

Sweden is seen as the most advanced country in terms of technology. In Norway they’re seen as snobs and arrogant, and in Denmark they’re seen as people who are very concerned with order, but loose all self-control when they come to Denmark to drink the cheep beer. For some reason Swedes see themselves as cleaner than the other two.

Denmark is seen, both by themselves and the others, as the most laid back country. Sweden see Danes as lazy and without self-control ever, and in Norway they’re seen as people who pursuit a comfortable life.

Norway is seen as the country that is most in touch with it’s beautiful nature. The Swedes see them as unhygienic fish-eaters, and the Danes see them as calm and easy going people.

Of the three countries, Denmark and Norway has the best relationship. Obviously. :XD:
But deep down we all see each others as friends. :)


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
30th of June