In the north we love to celebrate the midsummer, though we do it in slightly different ways.
Sweden is well known for their midsummer parties, where they drink, eat, sing and dance around the maypole (a pole decorated with flowers and ribbons). A wonderfully peaceful tradition that can be seen her.
However, in Norway and Denmark (and a couple of other countries) we prefer to celebrate it with LOTS AND LOTS OF FIRE!!! Or as we like to call it, Sankt Hans bonfires.
Some places in Norway they build HUGE bonfires. I’ve even seen pictures of them burning down houses and claiming it to be a Sankt Hans bonfire.
In Denmark we haven’t gone to such extremes. We get our morbid jollies by putting a witch doll made of wood, hay, old cloth and filled with firecrackers on the fire, and then cheer when the firecrackers goes off, making it sound like she’s screaming. So wonderfully politically incorrect.
And we will burn that witch no matter where we are. While looking for a good video of a Sankt Hans bonfire I found at least four of Danes burning wooden witches while confused Americans looked on. This is the cutest witch burning I have ever seen.
See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland
4th of October