Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 9 of Sweden

What a crime to be alive

What a crime to be alive

I kid you not. There are evenings here in Denmark where there'll be nothing but Swedish crime shows on TV. You could literally be watching Swedish TV and the only difference would be the subtitles. And it's always new shows too.

I suspect they make so many crime shows they don't have enough hours in a day to show them all which is why we have to broadcast them too.


See more of Sweden Norway Finland Denmark
25th of August

He knows what he likes

He knows what he likes

If you ever come to Denmark you might notice big rocks chilling in front of government buildings, hospitals, libraries, or on little hills of dirt. It's not because people were too lazy to move them. Oh no, in fact, they might have been moved several kilometers to be there.

Because we don't have mountains or even cliffs in Denmark (except on Bornholm) a bare, raw rock is considered a beautiful decoration, and the biggest are displayed proudly in front of important things.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
11th of August
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Children, choose your character

Children, choose your character

I know this isn't the season for this at all, but while I was in Sweden for NärCon I learned about the Påskkärring, who was explained to me as an easter witch who isn't really a witch but kinda is anyway.

Children dress up as her and go ask for sweets. Boys can dress up as her too, but have the option of dressing as an old man if they want. From what I was told the witch costume is still the most popular for all genders though because it's more traditional.


See more of Sweden North
3rd of August

Let's Party

Let's Party

You do not understand how much I love Kopparberg.

On The Faroe Islands it's a bit of a problem that alcoholics steal hand sanitizer and drink it. They do it because alcohol for drinking is so damn expensive on the islands. How they are not all dead is one of life's great mysteries.


See more of Sweden Finland Norway Denmark Faroe Islands
21st of July

Big Bad Wolf

Big Bad Wolf

We just got our first wolf family in Denmark in 200 years, and the first thing some politicians want to do is kill them.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
14th of July
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Gay Old Time

Gay Old Time

Those who messed around during their youth shouldn't throw eggs at pride parades.


See more of Sweden Denmark
30th of June



Do they even have any real complaints!?!


See more of Sweden Finland Denmark Norway Iceland
16th of June

Clean Living

Clean Living

Sorry about the super late comic today guys. I was supposed to go to London Expo, then got sick and had to stay at home and things have generally not been going my way this week.

Anyway, selling canned air to China is a thing now. "High quality air" from mountains and the seaside is worth quite a bit, and people from several countries are entering the "air business".

The thing about the water isn't so much a Norwegian problem specifically, but there have been a few bottled water companies that claimed to sell super special borderline magical water from remote mountain tops, only to get if from the tap or even dirty lakes. So we can't really mock the Chinese too much for buying air.


See more of Canada Norway Sweden
26th of May

Eurovision 2017

Eurovision 2017

*fingers in ears* It's not political!

Apparently Little My from the Moomins and Sailor Moon are Lithuania and Belarus' ascetics this year. And let's not forget that Epic Sax Guy is back.


See more of Europe Ukraine Belarus Lithuania Moldova Austria Sweden Norway Denmark Russia
12th of May

Wrong answer? Wrong question!

Wrong answer? Wrong question!

In Japan it's quite common for a grown man to adopt another grown man.

It started when company owners wanted to keep the company in their family but either didn't have sons who could inherit it, or didn't think their sons where up for the job. So what to do? Hand it over to their daughters? Ha! Don't be ridiculous! It's much more sensible to adopt a 50 years old man from work legally and keep the company in the family that way!

Gay weddings aren't allowed in Japan, so gay couples use this whole adoption business to become family in the eyes of the law. That way they can secure each other financially and be allowed to see each other in places where only family is allowed.


See more of Sweden Aland Japan Denmark
4th of May