Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 35 of Sweden

Pretty Swastika

Pretty Swastika

I just ran some text through the Babelfish translator, so I hope the German in the comic is complete nonsense. :XD:

Many people have asked me, “On what side was Denmark doing World War II?” and the anwser is that you will get different answers depending on who you ask, even within Denmark, because Denmark’s way of handling the situation was rather unconventional.

Nazi Germany saw Denmark as one of the most aryan countries in the world, and decided to do a “friendly invasion” so that Denmark wouldn’t fall into the hands of the enemy. Denmark was shit scared of Nazi Germany after what had happened to Poland and we were well aware that we couldn’t fight them. But we knew that the Nazis liked us, so what Denmark did was this: We quickly shipped 99% of the country’s Jews off to Sweden where they would be safe, then (sort of) fought the Germans for two hours to show the rest of the world that we weren’t completely on their side, before just giving up and letting them march in.
We then proceeded to treat the soldiers as nice as possible, hoping that Hitler would be kind to us if we behaved. Denmark even became known as the “whipped cream front” among the Germans because we were so nice, and it was every German soldier’s dream to be sent to Denmark were they didn’t have to fight or fear for their life.

So it’s no wonder Denmark was often called Nazi friendly.

And Sweden of course weren’t completely passive doing the way, and did help their surrounding countries a little thought the war (helping Jews anyone?). I just thought it would be funnier like this. :D


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Poland Germany Nazi Germany
8th of November



Inspired by the fact that Norway used to consume more coffee than any other country in the world. :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
3rd of November
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Monkey Man

Monkey Man

I haven’t really made any jokes about the stereotype that all Danes are racist without realizing it, so here is one. Enjoy! :XD:

And this was also an excuse to draw one of the black characters. :D


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark South Africa
27th of October

The Napoleon War

The Napoleon War

Never mess with a neat-freak!

This is the main reason why Norway and Denmark still feel a bit funny about Sweden even today. HISTORY TIME!

The Napoleon war was basically with France one on side and England on the other, with each of them having a number of countries supporting them. At the beginning most countries supported France, and Sweden was one of the few who supported England from the very beginning.
As the war went on, more and more countries left France and went over to England, with Denmark as one of the very few who stayed with France to the bitter end.

When England won, Denmark was of course seen as one of the big loosers who deserved to be punished for staying on the "evil" side, so it was seen as only fair that Sweden got Norway. The Danes were ready to just give in and get it over with, but the Dane who had been put in charge of Norway suggested that they allowed Norway to break loose from Denmark instead. That way Sweden couldn’t touch them.

Denmark agreed to do this, and Norway finally got it’s own constitution. But that didn’t stop Sweden. When they were told Denmark could no longer hand Norway over, Sweden simply invaded Norway and took it by force. That was the last war between the Scandinavian countries.

You gotta' love how Sweden went from being one of the "good guys" to being a jerk. History is fun like that. :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
22nd of October

Bath Time

Bath Time

You voted, so here they are. The Nordic countries in all their naked glory. Enjoy, you perverts!

There are no stereotypes saying that Finns look like this. I just thought it went well with the I-don't-give-a-fuck-what-you-think personality I’ve given them. :)

And yes, I actually imagine Sister Norway to be slightly taller than her brother, just because. :D

I didn’t realize it before the picture was done, but I love how you can see that a domino effect will take place in the boys' picture:

Iceland is just standing around being his usual pretty self., distracts Sweden. Therefore he doesn’t notice that Denmark is about to towel whip Norway. When that happens, Norway will jump, and bump into Finland. Finland will drop his beer, and then all hell will break loose! :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Iceland Finland Sister Sweden
18th of October
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The North Sea Lotto

The North Sea Lotto

The true story of how Denmark just freaking gave away one of the world’s biggest oil reserves in the North Sea to Norway without realizing it. We never quite got over that.

Oh well, Norway used to be one of the poorest countries in Europe, and this helped them kick start their economy, and today it’s one of the best places in the world to live. You’re welcome, Norway.

"Kroner" is of course the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish currency.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
16th of October

SatW Couples

SatW Couples

I asked you what your favourite couples from Scandinavia and the World were, and here they are. I said I was only going to draw the couple that most people wanted to see, but I suddenly felt like drawing more, so I decided to draw a bunch of sketches instead.

Wales x New Zealand
Do not judge them! Their love is more true and deep-felt than any love you will ever experience!
Heh, can’t you just see the romantic sundown behind them? :D

Denmark x Norway
This was by far the most popular couple. Once again Norway is trying to cure Denmark’s fear of nature in a safe environment, and finally finally it seems like they’ve come to a breakthrough. Then Denmark touched the butterfly, it flew off, which scared the crap out of Denmark who spilled beer over the both of them and accidentally kicked Norway in the face.

Canada x America
I’ve come to like this couple more than I originally did, because I realized that they’re completely fucking some anime/yaoi rules up. Canada would be the uke because he is such a cute little bishie, but screws it up by being the hairiest of all the guys. America would be the seme, but he is insecure like hell and still a virgin. Oh what fun. :XD:

America x Mexico
They love each other, because they can only see each other’s good sides. Mexico see a rich and handsome man with the power to help her out of poverty. America see a beautiful and exotic woman with strong religious morals (Which is one of the reasons why he is still a virgin. She is not putting out before the wedding!). America hates her brother though. Damn guy keeps sneaking into his yard and sometimes invites the whole family over without asking, and then he complains about America not treating his sister well, not paying her enough attention and all that stuff. God he hates that guy!

Sweden x Sister Finland
Oh dear Sister Finland. Could you possibly have chosen a worse guy to fall in love with? :XD:

Sister Sweden x Finland
That’s pretty much all there is to their "relationship". Big boobied sex. Enjoy. :D


See more of Canada America Mexico Finland Norway Sweden Denmark Wales New Zealand Sister Sweden
15th of October

Climate Conference in Copenhag

Climate Conference in Copenhag

There has been a lot of talk about all the oil that might be near the North Pole, and now that the ice is melting it will get easier to find. USA, Russia and Denmark are the three countries fighting the hardest to claim the North Pole before that happens.

And if Denmark can’t get the oil under the North Pole, we will make the rest of the world help us in keeping anyone else from getting it!


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden North Pole America Russia
13th of October

Denmark's Gaydar

Denmark's Gaydar

After posting the comic about Canada being America’s hat, I got a lot of comments asking, “What about Mexico? They’re America’s beard!”

Well, this was the first thing I thought of when I read that.
For those who don’t get it, here’s and explanation.

Yes, I made Mexico a girl just so I could make this joke. :XD:


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden America Mexico
10th of October

No other hat will do

No other hat will do

Of course a reference to this comic :)

England makes a lousy hat. :(


See more of Canada Sweden Norway Denmark America England
10th of October