Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Cutting ties

Cutting ties

It's done. King EU would take a quick power nap if it wasn't for Scotland's constant screaming in the background.

Scotland Wales Europe Brexit England
1st February 2020
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5 years ago #9827895        

Englad: This union is stupid, I am sick of people taking decisions for me that benefit others but hardly me! I am leaving!
Scotland: Same, same.
Englad: Oh, it's nice to see you came around about this whole silly story! Now lets get to work, we have plenty of it!
Scotland: Haha, no silly, I mean this union. As in the United kingdom, I quit. But no hard feelings, right?
England: Of course old cha-...EXCUSE ME, WHAT?!
Wales: Wait, we can do that?


Next time, in united and restless, will England regret his choices? Will Scotland pack his things and leave for good? Will Wales pick a side? What do the Irish twins have to say? We will find out in the next episode "Bitter tea, bitter feelings." stayed tunned!

5 years ago #9827916        

Vladimir Bukovsky told us this on 2011.

The Soviet Union was governed by 15 unelected people who appointed each other and who were not accountable to anyone.

The European Union is governed by dozen people who appoint each other, meet in secret and are not accountable to anyone, and whom we cannot sack.

One might say that the EU has an elected parliament. Well, the Soviet Union had a parliament of a sort too, the Supreme Soviet, which just rubber stamped the Politburo decisions. Pretty much like the European parliament does where speaking time in Chamber is limited within each group and often amounts to one minute per speaker.

In the EU there are hundreds of thousands of eurocrats with their huge salaries, their staff, servants, bonuses and privileges, their lifelong immunity from prosecution which is simply shuffled from one position to another no matter what they do or fail to do.

Is it not exactly like the Soviet Regime?

The Soviet Union was created by coercion and very often with a military occupation. The European Union is being created admittedly not by armed force, but by coercion and economic bullying.

In order to continue to exist the Soviet Union spread itself further and further. The moment it stopped spreading it started collapsing. And I suspect the same is true of the European Union.

We were told that the purpose of the Soviet Union was to create the new historic entity, the Soviet people, and that we must forget our nationalities, our ethnic traditions and customs. The same seems to be true of European Union. They don't want you to be British or French, they want you all to be a new historic entity – European – to suppress all your national feelings and leave as multinational community.

After 73 years the same system in Soviet Union resulted in more ethnic conflict than anywhere in the world.

In the Soviet Union one of the grand purposes was the destruction of a nation state. And that's exactly what we observe in Europe today. Brussels intends to absorb nation states so that they should cease to exist.

Corruption was built into the Soviet Union from top – down and so it is in the European Union. The same endemic corruption activity that we saw in old Soviet Union has flourished in the European Union. Those who opposed or exposed it are silenced or banished. Nothing changes.

In the Soviet Union we had the Gulag. I think we have a Gulag in European Union also – an intellectual Gulag known as "political correctness". When anyone tries to speak their mind on questions of race agenda or if their views differ from those approved, they will be ostracised. This is the beginning of Gulag, the beginning of your loss of freedom.

In the Soviet Union, they told us we need a federal state to avoid war. In the European Union they are telling you exactly the same thing.

In short, the same ideology underpins both systems, the European Union is the old Soviet model presented in western guise. But again, like the Soviet Union, the European Union has within itself the seeds of its own demise. Unfortunately, when it collapses – and it will, it will leave a mass destruction behind, and we will be left with huge economic and ethnic problems.

The old Soviet system was incapable of reform. So is the European Union. But there is an alternative to being ruled by those dozen self-appointed officials in Brussels. It is called independence. You don't have to accept, what they have planned for you.

After all you have never been asked, if you wanted to join. I have lived in your future and it didn't work.

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5 years ago #9827765        

Northern Ireland must have already drowned himself.

5 years ago #9827896        

And this is what happens when people misuse their voting rights for jokes, like the people who voted Harambe for President here in the US. Moreso than those who legitimately voted for Brexit, those who did so as a joke, believing that there was no way it would actually happen, are the real fools. Of course, I myself can't say much from across the pond, but as far as Brits whose opinions I respect are concerned, Brexit was a terrible idea. But even if it weren't, as many other Brits will argue, the fact that so many people voted for it without actually wanting it is ridiculous. I think both sides of the issue can at least agree on that. Though one side is certainly less upset about it...

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5 years ago #9827758        

We Nordics welcome Scotland as brothers with open arms in the event they should leave England, hopefully they will also we welcomed back inte the EU.
Also something that's not mentioned in the comic is how fucked Northern Ireland gets now because of their land border to thre rest of Ireland.

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5 years ago #9827786        

And the fallout has just begun with news leaking that the EU will now obviously side with Spain on the issue of Gibraltar, handing Spain a de facto veto on any deal with the EU for Britain:

I told Brexiters this would happen before they left - including one on this site - but of course they didn't listen.

Anyone who knows their European history knows that Britain for centuries sought to secure it's position of influence by playing out different European powers against each other, making sure that no European power became to strong to threaten them on their island.

Joining the EU was a logical step in this historic tradition, to make sure the big powers France and Germany didn't get to set the agenda in Europe alone.

And now, in leaving the EU, Britain is breaking with a geostrategic policy that has served her extremely well for all those centuries.

Instead of playing out different European nations against each other, she has put herself at odds against more or less all of them, united in the EU.

Which inevitably will lead to the EU backing Spain on Gibraltar and Ireland on Northern Ireland for instance - because the EU will obviously ALWAYS back the interests of member states over the interests of non-member states.

Britain has thus seriously weakened her own influence in Europe and that will undoubtedly have negative consequences for her in many ways in the years to come.

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5 years ago #9827746        

You do realise that most people in the United Kingdom WANTED to leave right?

That's why they voted for it

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5 years ago #9827859        

Eh, EU is pretty shit. If they ever let Turkey join I'll vote for a Swexit cuz fuck that shit.

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5 years ago #9828186        

I suspect the Brits who voted to leave will blame someone else as their economy tanks!

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5 years ago #9827745        

The UK will pay for this stupidity, and soon!

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