Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Lazy Lady

Lazy Lady

There has been a bit of a problem with Denmark deporting people from other Scandinavian countries if they're pregnant and don't have a spouse or the like in Denmark. This law was meant for people with disabilities or those who are too old to work, and unfortunately it also hits pregnant people sometimes if their home country is safe, and especially if they come from another Nordic country.

This is because people get a lot of monetary support if they are unable to work, so the Danish state can't afford to support people who aren't citizens or have no family connections within the country.

It's super weird that pregnant people are sometimes effected by the law though.

Sweden Denmark
27th April 2018
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7 years ago #9756272        

Immigration and deportation?
I just bet the conversation about this is going to be civilized, with neither side branding the other "racist nazi" or "terrorist-supporter".

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7 years ago #9756143        

Wonder if there'll be a comic about Trump bringing peace to Korea. Little rocket man couldn't handle the pressure, which is not surprising in the slightest really.

Like it or not, it worked :XD:

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7 years ago #9756704        

There is an unusually high amount of hatred in the comment section.
Oh well. Humans will be humans.

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7 years ago #9757196        

"so the Danish state can't afford to support people who aren't citizens or have no family connections within the country"

Yes they can. They choose not to. 2000 billion DK yearly budget. We can afford whatever we want.

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7 years ago #9756251        

She's probably there because there are no swedish maternity wards left.

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7 years ago #9756016        

I haven't seen anything about this in Swedish news yet and it sound very strange as all the Nordic countries are even more highly integrated then the rest of the EU are.
We abolished the need for passports while crossing the borders decades ago and citizens in one of our countries are supposed to be treated just like the citizens in any of the other they chose to live in.

If true, I can only guess this is some badly written law actually intended to target non-Nordic immigrants as Denmark is becoming increasingly hostile to immigration unfortunately.
But in a way it's good that things like these happen as they show people there are plenty of immigrants that aren't dark skinned.

Britain is suffering from the adverse effects of the same kind of policies at the moment too - people who've lived and paid taxes for decades in the country are suddenly being treated like dirt, just because the government was trying to kick out immigrants.

At the same time as the British National Health Service can't attract the nurses and staff it needs from abroad because of Brexit.

All a result of incredibly shortsighted and stupid nationalist policies that only hurt the nations that adopt them.

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6 years ago #9785519        

Maternity leave? I think you mean Maternity get out.

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7 years ago #9757234        

Denmark probably knocked her up in the first place

7 years ago #9756344        

Maybe the pregnant woman doesn't want to go back to the rape capital of Europe (highest reported rate, lowest conviction rate according to Amnesty International):

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7 years ago #9756148        

Kicking out people who are disabled and "too old to work" is already bad enough if you ask me. Well, capitalism gotta capitalism.

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