Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 66

Nordic Morning

Nordic Morning

(Please fullview. Looks tons better)

Sweden: Reading a Swedish newspaper.

Finland: Reading Sweden’s newspaper, and being slightly annoyed that he can understand it.

Norway: Making sure Denmark gets something to eat.

Denmark: Just woke up after spending the night under the table.

Iceland: Has been up for an hour and just came home after his usual morning jog.

I’ve been wanting to draw these guys eating breakfast together for a long time, and now I finally did. Also had fun using this style of colouring again.


See more of Sweden Finland Norway Denmark Iceland
5th of March

Oh no he didn't

Oh no he didn't

America can be a little touchy on the subject, even when he is not directly involved.

We are no way near as touchy about slavery in Scandinavia because we mainly had white slaves from our own countries and Ireland.


See more of Denmark America Republic Of The Congo
25th of February
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Popping the Question

Popping the Question

Poor Wales. It’s not easy proposing to New Zealand. She's not a big fan of rings.

And yes, that is Iceland parachuting in Mount Doom. He just can’t stay away from volcanoes.


See more of Wales New Zealand Iceland
22nd of February

Winter Olympics

Winter Olympics

And Scandinavia and the World is back! Thank you for being patient (Well, most of you anyway).

People keep asking if I’ll do a comic about the winter Olympics but I think sports are amazingly boring, so I’m not following them at all.

But a few days ago I came across an OL sum up on TV, and this was all I gathered from it:
Denmark sucks at everything that involves snow and/or ice.

This is probably the only winter OL comic I’ll do, so enjoy it. :D


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Olympics
18th of February

World View

World View

Inspired by this drawing by

South America is not North America’s invisible friend here. The Scandinavian boys just can't see him, just like North America can't see Denmark. :D

Few people in America know what Denmark is and surprisingly many sees Norway as the same thing as Sweden, which sounds ridicules to us over here, but I can guarantee you that if you asked random people on the streets of Scandinavia what all that land underneath America is, too many would either say “I don’t know” “Isn’t it all America?” or “Mexico?”. Or they would know it was South America, but have no idea what the countries within it was called. We know shit about South America.

And I put a link on the comic this time as many people have requested.


See more of America Norway Sweden Denmark South America
3rd of February
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The Canadian Siblings

The Canadian Siblings

Cue a million "Canadian women are not hairy!" comments.

But really, if it surprises you that this is what Sister Canada looks like, then you obviously haven’t been paying attention when reading my comics.

Besides, how else did you think they could keep warm during those icy summers that everybody knows Canada has? (Cue a million "Canada does not have icy summers!" comments)

And if nothing else, you know Denmark and Sister Sweden would still do them both. :XD:

EDIT: I'm very amused by how scared people are of body hair. Come on people, it's just hair. As in the stuff that grows on your head. How old are you? You act like I drew them vomiting down each other's throats or something.


See more of Canada Sister Canada
31st of January

Not a Yahtzee

Not a Yahtzee

You might have to say “yahtzee” out loud to get the joke.

Pretty much how the German government reacts whenever Nazis are mentioned, if German soldiers does something violent somewhere, or if anything that could in anyway make people think of Nazis happens. They’re quite paranoid about the subject.


See more of Germany Denmark Norway Sweden
23rd of January

There once was a time

There once was a time

...But it was long ago.

A little watercolour picture I made after reading about Sweden’s and Finland’s history. Again.
Finland used to be happy. They used to be the best of friends, but then shit happened and now especially Finland denies having ever liked Sweden.

I always try to make my watercolour paintings look as messy as possible, because no other paint does the messy look as well as watercolours.
Also, watercolours make pictures look more personal and emotional. :)

And I promise that I'll upload an actual comic soon. Promise!


See more of Sweden Finland
22nd of January

Family Photo

Family Photo

I don’t even know. I just wanted to draw a picture of Sweden and his sister, and then this happened...

One has to wonder how these two ended up so different. Or is Sister Sweden more intelligent than she leads on? And is Sweden more wild under the serious facade than he will ever admit? We may never know.

Finland is a fool if he thinks he can keep Sister Sweden to himself. She’s a bigger whore than Denmark, which makes her a pretty big whore.

And I really should include Iceland more often. It has recently come to my attention that people think he is a sissy because he is all pretty and sparkly, when in fact he is the most hardcore of them all. This guy jumps into volcanoes with a parachute on and rides the hot air out again for fucks sake!
And yes, he will land on them in a few seconds.


See more of Sweden Finland Denmark Norway Iceland Sister Sweden
19th of January

Norway in Denmark

Norway in Denmark

“It’s wonderful to be Norwegian in Denmark” is the slogan of a travel agency, that as the slogan suggests arrange vacations for Norwegians to Denmark. The TV commercials have become so infamous in Norway that it has spurred several versions of the slogan like “It’s wonderful to be Norwegian in Norway” and so on. Here is one of the adds with English subtitles

At least three times a month I get notes from Norwegians pointing out how naughty the slogan sounds when you look at the countries as people, and when I got three this week I decided that it was time to put it in a comic. :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
16th of January