Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 9

Pigeons of the world

Pigeons of the world

Based on a personal experience. An American friend was very impressed by the pigeons she saw on our trip. When we asked why she pointed at a very dirty and scruffy looking pigeon with one foot and said “That’s what they look like in American cities”


See more of America Norway Bird
27th of March

Leap Year

Leap Year

Today's the day!


See more of Scotland England Ireland
29th of February
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I know gun-fu

I know gun-fu

The first recorded meetings between Japan and westerners are actually kind of sweet.

The Japanese thought there was some secret to using firearms but the Portuguese were just like "It's easy! Stand straight and close one eye! Couldn't be easier!" but the Japanese still thought it was more complicated than that and assumed the Portuguese were talking philosophy. It took some back and forth to make them understand that it wasn't a difficult discipline to shoot a rifle.


See more of Japan Portugal
21st of February

It's genetic

It's genetic

It's just something that has to be done.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
15th of February

My Corona

My Corona

Every time they mention the corona virus on TV I get this version of the song stuck in my head, and as it creeps ever closer to Denmark I find myself humming it more and more often...


See more of England Germany Denmark Sweden Finland
8th of February
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Cutting ties

Cutting ties

It's done. King EU would take a quick power nap if it wasn't for Scotland's constant screaming in the background.


See more of Europe Wales England Scotland Brexit
1st of February

Shoes on shoes off

Shoes on shoes off

We don't usually think of Scandinavia as "shoes off" countries, but then I talked to some Americans who couldn't understand why their Scandinavian friends were always hovering around in the entrance if they only visited to pick something up real quick. The mystery was solved when they explained that it's impolite to walk around people's houses with shoes on in Scandinavia. You either take them off or at least ask if you should. Even if the homeowner don't expect you to take your shoes off they might still get offended if you don't ask, so the rules are a bit more complicated than in Japan.


See more of America Norway Denmark Sweden
25th of January

The odd man out

The odd man out

We were thiiiis close to having a classic 90's five-people girl band.


See more of Denmark Iceland Norway Finland Sweden
11th of January

City of Nightmares

City of Nightmares

Paris Syndrome is almost exclusively experienced by Japanese tourists in France.

It happens to about 20 people every year when they realize that Paris isn't as romantic and beautiful as they expected, the culture shock causing people to feel sick, anxious, dizzy and hallucinate. The problem even seems to be getting worse as more people from other East Asian countries get enough money to travel to Paris.

Apparently the only cure for this is to leave France and never return.


See more of Japan France
3rd of January

Merry Beetle

Merry Beetle

Australia, buddy, you gotta stop.


See more of Australia England
27th of December