Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 57

Language Lesson

Language Lesson

Denmark wanted America to say this because Danes love to make foreigners say it.

All the other Nordic countries joke that Danish sounds like Swedes talking with a potato or porridge in their mouths, while Danes joke that Swedes sound like drunk Danes, and Norwegians sound like drunk Danes singing. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway America Canada Mexico
5th of September

More Difficult Love

More Difficult Love

Their love is a difficult one.

If Germany and Sister Japan ever got married, you can be damn sure Netherlands and Denmark would screw up the honeymoon vacation. :XD:

I promise to post a less stupid comic tomorrow.


See more of Germany Japan Denmark Netherlands
2nd of September
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Freakishly old idea. France thought she was getting this :XD:

It always amused me when people said, “Sister Denmark looks really cute” or “Why did you draw Sister [inset country here] so ugly!? She should be looking more like Sister Denmark!”

Because in my mind she looks like a boy, and not in a cute tomboyish way, but in a “If she wears a baggy shirt people think she’s a hot guy with long hair” way.

To get this point across better I will from now on draw her without eyelashes and breasts. :D


See more of Denmark France Sweden Finland Sister Sweden Sister Denmark
1st of September

Serious Sport

Serious Sport

Carrying you lover on your back is serious business, even if your lover doesn’t think so! >:C

Åland carrying Sweden, Finland carrying Sister Sweden.
I could draw a million pictures of this sport. :XD:


See more of Aland Sweden Finland Sister Sweden
30th of August

Sports in Finland

Sports in Finland

I kid you not. The wife carrying competition is very popular in Finland, though it doesn’t actually have to be your wife. And the winner gets the woman's weight in beer.

But I think Sister Sweden would be a bad candidate if the carrier was serious about winning. Too much groping and fondling would take place for the poor guy to ever reach the finishing line. :XD:


See more of Finland Sweden Sister Sweden
29th of August
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Sleepover at Iceland's

Sleepover at Iceland's

Thanks to Hekla, the gate to hell, Iceland is used to hell-spawn invading his house in the night. Nothing to get worked up over.


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Halloween
29th of August

Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms

I just wanted to make something that made fun of the coat of arms :D


Original image:
by Humon

See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Special Lion
26th of August

Drunken Party

Drunken Party

Atlantis and all his magic friends have confused many drunks throughout history. :D

Drunks from left to right: Scotland, Ireland, Finland, Australia, Belgium, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Greece in the last picture.


See more of Atlantis Scotland Ireland Finland Australia Belgium Russia Netherlands Germany Denmark Greece
23rd of August



After more than a year I’m finally finally starting to figure Iceland’s character out, and it feels so goooood.

He’s a genuinely nice guy who hides a rather disturbing mind. But living so close to the gateway to Hell, Hekla, will do that to you. :D


See more of Iceland
20th of August

Naked Sheep

Naked Sheep

I keep forgetting to upload this.

Wales/New Zealand is a wonderful pair to draw. If I wasn't as lazy as I am, I would draw a long serious comic about their love. :XD:


See more of Wales New Zealand
20th of August