Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 27

Half human half Scandinavian

Half human half Scandinavian

I currently have a bad case of pneumonia, so I hope you can find it in your hearts of hearts to forgive me for making a one-picture comic this week.

I've been wanting to draw Sweden as a Dala Centaur for a while but could never think of a reason.


See more of Sweden Denmark
19th of August

Hang in there, Canada!

Hang in there, Canada!

You can buy this as a wall poster from our store:


Illustrated by Jenny.

See more of Mexico Canada America Sister Mexico Poster
15th of August
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Wrong Identity

Wrong Identity

Please, Denmark. They're trying their very best.


See more of America Canada Denmark
12th of August

Refreshing Shower

Refreshing Shower

By now most of us know about Japan's high-tech electric toilets, but let's not ignore Brazil's electric showerheads and their scary wires sticking out of the walls in shower cabins.


See more of Japan Brazil
2nd of August

Sleepy Head

Sleepy Head

On National Sleepy Head Day the last person sleeping in the house could be woken up by being thrown into a lake.


Thanks to Julia for the suggestion.
Written by Dayvi.
Illustrated by Jenny.

See more of Denmark Sister Denmark Finland Sister Finland Sweden Sister Sweden Dayvi Jenny
27th of July
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Walking the thin line

Walking the thin line

I've been watching a lot of videos by Americans in Scandinavian countries, and something they often bring up is that Scandinavians rarely jaywalk.The Americans then jaywalk less too because they're afraid Scandinavians know something they don't.

The reason is simple though; pedestrians and drivers have an unofficial agreement to follow the rules.
"I don't jaywalk and in return please respect the traffic lights"

And it really is smartest to follow the traffic laws in Scandinavia because the drivers aren't used to people crossing the street at random and therefore aren't prepared for it. However, they're usually pretty good at letting pedestrians cross even if there aren't any traffic lights nearby.

And also the bikes. Tourists are never prepared for the bikes.


See more of America Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
26th of July

Poke Go where nobody has gone before

Poke Go where nobody has gone before

The amount of weird, ridiculous and scary things people have gotten themselves into while playing Pokemon Go is amazing.

And yet, the worst thing for America about being behind bars is that he can't play the game.


See more of Japan America
19th of July

I'm Moving

I'm Moving

Some people say "I'm moving to Canada if __ wins" each election, but many more this time!

Don't worry about Canada:


Written by Dayvi.
Illustrated by Natasa.

See more of Canada America England Sister Netherlands Dayvi
15th of July

Be careful what you say

Be careful what you say

Some...unfortunet history.

The Scandinavians were pretty convinced that they were the best human race and that everybody else were below them. Especially in Denmark the scientists were very fond of using measuring tools to determine race and intelligence, which inspired Nazi Germany a lot. The Danes who had intended to use the "science" as a base for their welfare system were horrified when they found out what the Germans were using it for and started to realize just how misguided it was.

Nazi Germany loved Denmark though, and because the Danes didn't have an army worth anything, they used Germany's love a lot during WWII to try and help those the Nazis wanted to kill. That's how you end up with stories about Danes shipping 99% of their Jews to safety in Sweden, and how they made agreements with the Nazis that Danish Jews who were sent to camps go better treatment, more food and weren't killed.

As one Danish Jew in a camp said "We got crates with food, letters from our families, chocolate and candy, but the German guards always stole the cigarettes"


See more of Greenland Denmark Nazi Germany
12th of July

It's nothing

It's nothing

I promise I'll do a comic about something else next week, but for now Brexit is still immensely entertaining/complicated/scary.


See more of Europe England Brexit
6th of July