Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 56

Coffee Thief

Coffee Thief

You do not break into Finland’s house, even if he is out of the country! >:C

Finland was known for their fantastic snipers in World War 2, especially a man named Simo Häyhä.

Yes, I’m back. Feels good man. :D


See more of Sweden Aland Finland Switzerland
29th of September

The Original Nordics

The Original Nordics

Hetalia and SatW are total wannabes, yo! They ain’t got notin’ on these guys! The original and classic personifications of the Nordic countries.

From left to right:
Lady of the Mountains (Iceland)
Ola Nordmann (Norway)
Holger the Dane (Denmark)
Mother Svea (Sweden)
Finnish Maiden (Finland)

I feel like a horrible person for thinking that Holger and Svea should just solve their problem by getting it on. :XD:


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland
25th of September
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Geography Joke

Geography Joke

An old joke that just didn’t work with the usual characters.

I know some people won’t get it, and all I will say to help you along is: Please notice what Sweden and Finland looks like together without Norway. ;)
That was actually what early euros looked like because Norway isn't in the EU. :XD:

Åland got it's own flag because he is a fairly big character in the usual comics.


See more of Aland Denmark Norway Sweden Iceland Finland
24th of September

Sheep are Cute

Sheep are Cute

In case you haven’t seen the parents before
And Sweden is referring to this

This is another one of those “been lying around forever” comics, because it’s amazingly stupid.
New South Wales is Australia's most populous state, so the idea that New South Wales is the offspring of New Zealand and Wales is purely based on the name. :D


See more of New South Wales Norway Denmark Sweden Wales New Zealand
23rd of September

What are you looking at?

What are you looking at?

I wanted to experiment a bit with line-art and shadows, so I found some random sketch of Denmark either getting dressed or undressing.


See more of Denmark
23rd of September
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Wish you were here

Wish you were here

Don’t ask me why Sweden and Denmark are on vacation together. They’re probably visiting some convention or something. Most likely the worst vacation ever for both of them. :XD:

Postcard closeup:


See more of Sweden Denmark Aland Norway
20th of September



Bad parents get bad children, England. >:C

Every time USA acts up, it’s just because he wants his father’s attention.


See more of America England Young America
18th of September



Dracula. The vampire comes from Transylvania in Romania, Van Helsing comes from the Netherlands, and the story takes place in England. :D

They’re quoting the movie from 1992


See more of Romania Netherlands England Halloween
15th of September

Here to Protect You

Here to Protect You

Sweden has his moments :D

EDIT: Apparently it's some kind of stunt. Here's a Danish cop dancing to the same music :XD:


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland
10th of September

Iron Lady

Iron Lady

Yes, it’s an Angela Merkel joke. ;)

People have a tendency to confuse “big breasts” with “beautiful” so I’ll have to mention that Sister Germany is not a hottie. She's a normal looking girl who just happens to have huge scary breasts that can give you a concussion and crush a puppy to death if she wish so.

Yes, I added the moustache to make her look more scary (And to watch you freak out :XD: )


See more of Germany Italy Finland Sweden Denmark
7th of September