Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 11

The Proposal

The Proposal

Our prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, was right. Trump is being absurd. The fact that he was so offended by being called absurd just proves her point.


See more of Denmark Greenland
23rd of August

Double Attack

Double Attack

Lately both the Norwegian and Danish prime ministers have said something along the lines of "Sweden has a lot of dangerous people crossing our borders. Let's keep an eye on that" and I could just imagine Sweden being like "Seriously guys, don't do this at the same time!"


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden
16th of August
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The big question

The big question

When I lived in England I thought the washing machine was in the kitchen because we had a tiny shitty house, but turned out that's very normal in England. Where do you keep your washing machine?


See more of England America Denmark Norway Sweden
9th of August



We had a Dutch person visit us a few weeks back and we learned lots of new scary things.


See more of Belgium Netherlands
2nd of August

Maybe stop it now?

Maybe stop it now?

I kid you not. The comic is late because it's so hot I couldn't sit in the room where I keep my work computer.
Anyway, I have an app that updates me on the most important news, and the other day it informed me that a big blow-up flamingo had been spotted near Danish beaches. I think perhaps the journalists are suffering in the heat too.


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27th of July
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Dangerous Waters

Dangerous Waters

A few years ago a survey was done in Denmark that showed that most Danes like Germans more than any other nationalities (With Norwegians and Swedes in close second and third places), so consider this a loving warning to all you Germans who vacation in Denmark: remember that the sea is dangerous everywhere, even in Denmark. Every year a few tourists die, and it's almost always Germans. Your adoring tophat (aka Denmark) wants you to stay safe.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Germany
19th of July

Who wants to live forever

Who wants to live forever

Because of the Chernobyl TV series a lot of online influencers have been traveling to Chernobyl and taking some less than safe photos.


See more of America Russia Ukraine
12th of July

Secrets secrets

Secrets secrets

The LEGO company used to dump old LEGO molds in concrete floors to keep people from stealing them. A bit extra if you ask me.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
7th of June

Behold my creation

Behold my creation

All the Russian war dogs look adorable. Every single one.


See more of Russia Dog
29th of May

Bedside manners

Bedside manners

I've been on my fair share of road trips with Brits, often as the only woman in the group, and I always thought it was sweet how the men would go out of their way to give me my privacy, even if the only privacy they could offer was letting me have my own bed while the rest of them lumped together on whatever was left.
I never asked for this and quite frankly it confused me the first few times because this isn't something I've experienced with Danish men, but they insisted and, well, it was very sweet.


See more of England Scotland Wales Ireland North Ireland
24th of May