Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 6

Too top to be gay

Too top to be gay

One way to avoid serving in the Turkish army is to be gay, but only if you’re a bottom. For a while they demanded photographic evidence but these days they only do a psychological evaluation.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Turkey
9th of July

A true romantic

A true romantic

The history of flirting is fascinating.


See more of Sweden Japan
18th of June
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Superhero movies got nothing on Danish cinema

Superhero movies got nothing on Danish cinema

You thought Marvel movies were all the same? Then you haven’t seen modern Danish cinema. Not saying it was a bad movie that shouldn’t have won, just that it’s unclear why this particular movie won instead of all the other movies like it.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
21st of May

Glow up

Glow up

According to some old Arabic texts both male and female Norsemen aka Vikings wore black eyeliner to increase their beauty. Apparently it never faded once applied, which just sounds like they refused to leave the house without applying their makeup.


See more of Norway Svalbard
30th of April

Annoying Landlord

Annoying Landlord

A common complaint from Faroese people is that Danes keep forgetting about them because they focus too much on Greenland.


See more of Denmark Faroe Islands
9th of April
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Secrets in the closet

Secrets in the closet

For the longest time people were sure there weren’t any moose left in New Zealand but people keep finding hints that there are probably some left. In other words, New Zealand has hidden moose.


See more of Wales New Zealand
26th of March

Social get together

Social get together

This has become the humorous wish for a lot of Scandinavians.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
5th of March

A very snowy hill

A very snowy hill

We’ve had a fair few snowstorms in Denmark in the past month, especially where I live, and the staggering amount of people who still chose to bike to work is insane.

Bikes are a very standard mode of transportation here, and many only have a bike (me included), instead opting for busses and trains for longer travels (A lot of people who own cars even choose to take the bus to work because it’s cheaper and they don’t have to find a parking spot). BUT taking the bike made no sense in this weather because you had to walk most of the way anyway. I should know because I was one of the fools who stubbornly chose my bike every day despite the fact that it added FIVE HOURS to my travel time compared to if I had just taken the bus. We are all creatures of habit I suppose.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark
18th of February

When yes means no

When yes means no

I’ve been watching a lot of videos by North Korean defectors and it’s heartbreaking how much they talk about starvation. Even the animals are tiny from malnutrition and as one defector put it “It’s a nation of starving people feeding on starving animals”
They don’t even have baby formula so if a woman dies in childbirth the father becomes a beggar who walks from door to door with the infant, asking women if they have enough breast milk to please feed their child.
I highly recommend you look North Korean defectors up on YouTube. It’s extremely eye opening.


See more of South Korea North Korea
29th of January

Can he do tricks?

Can he do tricks?

It was so common for vikings to keep bears as pets that they were known as house bears. They were often allowed to just walk around like dogs, causing so much damage it eventually became illegal to keep bears in Iceland. Some royals were even crazy enough to keep polar bears.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
15th of January