Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 49

For Realz!

For Realz!

Music in the background of the last picture :XD:

Anyway, the first picture refers to these videos

The snowman is a reference to a man in Sweden who got trapped in his car without food during a snowstorm and was found two months later, weak but still alive. How did he survive? By eating "a bit of snow".


See more of Aland Scania Sweden
13th of March

Swedish Army

Swedish Army

There's a story going around that small breasted women who join the Swedish army are offered the choice of free breast implants. They're also advised to gain a little weights, all intended to make them look bigger, more butch, and matronly. In other words, big breasts are scary. :fear:

You can get a Sister Sweden poster now here The poster has been selling a lot better than I thought it would. You naughty people. ;)


See more of Sweden Finland Sister Sweden
2nd of March
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When I went to England I noticed that people would apologize or even freak out if they as much as touched my little finger. At first I thought that maybe I was putting people off, but later it was explained to me that English people are just incredibly nervous about touching people they don't know very well.

I've been to conventions in quite a few countries by now, and England is the only country where most people asked for a handshake rather than a hug. :XD:


See more of England Denmark
2nd of March

No Flag for You

No Flag for You

The Danish flag is the oldest one in the world still in use, and pretty much nothing is known about how it came to be. According to the myth the Danes were fighting the Estonians in Estonia and were about to lose, so the Danes called upon God and asked him for help. Then a flag fell from the sky and a heavenly voice said that the Danes would win under this flag.

Thanks to that story is has become a popular joke in Denmark that God was trying to give the flag to the Estonians (it fell into their country after all) and the Danes just snatched it. :XD:

But it would seem that something did indeed happen in that war, because the Latvians have a very similar flag from the same period, so flag-interested people suspect that there might be some kind of link.

Non the less, Estonia was once again left out. :(


See more of Estonia Denmark Latvia
13th of February

Still a long way

Still a long way

Not a month goes by without someone confusing Sweden/Switzerland or Denmark/Netherlands. With Sweden/Switzerland it's because of the names of the countries, but with Denmark/Netherlands it's because people from Denmark are called Danish and people from Netherlands are called Dutch.

It's usually Americans who make those mistakes, but the first time I encountered it in real life was actually in England when I got in the wrong line to get into the country. I was supposed to stand in the Europe line but ended up in the Rest of The World line, and one of the women there could apparently tell something was wrong and asked me, "Are you Dutch?" I said no and handed her my passport which said Denmark and she responded with, "That's what I said: Dutch. Why are you lying about where you're from?" :XD:


See more of Norway America Switzerland Netherlands
3rd of February
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New Nordic

New Nordic

Scotland has said they want to be part of the Nordics when they get free from England. The Nordics have shown a positive interest in the suggestion.

Meanwhile Estonia which has tried for years to be accepted as one of the Nordics is still ignored. The world just isn't fair. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Scotland Iceland Finland Estonia
29th of January

The big shame

The big shame

I spend the weekend with a pair of girls from the Faroe Islands and we ended up talking about the whale killings and this "article"

It basically gets everything wrong. They don't use hooks, but knifes and axes. It looks bloody, but that's because it's in the sea.

I'm neither for or against it, but I know it will turn into a massive discussion in the comments, so try to keep it civil.


See more of Faroe Islands Denmark Whale
11th of January

Too little butter

Too little butter

The butter crisis in Norway is the source of much amusement.

A Danish morning show did however send a big donation of butter to Norway, so they can keep going for a bit longer.:XD:


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
14th of December

Coping Mechanisms

Coping Mechanisms

England later kicked all of their asses, but that's besides the joke.

Scotland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark share a lot of history, which is why they share a lot of words in their languages, and a lot of the old myths are the same as well.

They also all did some things that the English considered rather feminine. Of course there's the kilt (which is even an old Scandinavian word) which the English confused with a skirt, and the vikings were obsessed with combing and braiding their hair, not to mention being clean. They washed their faces every day and their entire body once a week. Doesn't seem like much to us today, but to the English it was weird (Not that the vikings washed that often, but that they did it at all).


See more of England America Denmark Sweden Norway Scotland
3rd of December

Wild Ghost

Wild Ghost

Norway was very proud of their wild albino moose, which they had lovingly named Albin, and the local hunting community had agreed not to hurt it.

Then along comes a Danish hunter who hadn't herd about this rule, and shoots it. The Norwegian anger seemed like it would never end.

In Denmark the case has mainly been turned into a joke. Not because of the death of poor Albin which everybody agrees is sad and stupid, but because for a while the Norwegian media acted like all Danes ever born had put a bullet in Albin personally, when the truth is that most would run in the opposite direction at the sight of anything with horns.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
28th of November