Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 38

Have a safe trip home

Have a safe trip home

This was a way to get rid of unwanted guests in Iceland back in the day.

Feed them poisonous shark that hadn't been fermented quite long enough, then send them stumbling in the direction of the nearest lava.


See more of Iceland Denmark Hakarl
15th of October

Flu Season

Flu Season

Happy flu season everybody!

Sickness has also taken hold of this house, so sorry about the late and simple comic. I'll try to do better next week. :)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Demon Cat
8th of October
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Close Call

Close Call

The Scots voted on their independence, and though they voted no, the no supporters only won with 55,4% making it almost a tie.

No doubt Scotland's feelings for England are complicated.


See more of Scotland England
30th of September

Office Pet

Office Pet

In China you can make a living just from being white. Just sit around at an office/meeting/bar/you name it and be white, all because white people are pretty rare and exotic in China.

These people are often referred to as "pets" because they are told what to do and how to dress, but have no real purpose other than to hang around and just exist, yet cost money.


See more of China Denmark
23rd of September

The monster lurks in the dark

The monster lurks in the dark

Sweden just had an election, and as it turns out, their "racist party" Sverigedemokraterna gains more and more supporters with each election.


See more of Sweden Denmark
16th of September
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Party time

Party time

In Sweden the number 6 is spelled "sex" and I've spent a few conventions with Norwegians giggling about it while disappointed Swedes looked on.

Edit: Damn, I was sure I had checked all the ways the Nordics spell 6 but apparently I missed Iceland. Oh well, maybe he was just optimistic and hoped it was about actual sex.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
9th of September

Surprise party

Surprise party

It's just what we've come to expect of you, Russia.


See more of Ukraine Russia Europe
3rd of September

Perfect Creature

Perfect Creature

I love pugs, but who looked at the version we have today and said "Yes, finally it is perfect"?


See more of China
26th of August

Kiss it better

Kiss it better

Thanks to Sankt_Aslaug who sent me this quote:

"Dudo of St. Quentin records an encounter between a party of Danes and King Charles of the Frankish kingdom. In the presence of the king, the Danes were ordered to show their submission by kissing the foot of the king. The leader of the Danes refused. One of his followers complied. But, rather than kneeling to kiss the foot of King Charles, the Dane stood, grabbed the king's foot, and lifted it up to the level of the Dane's own head, dragging the king out of his seat and onto the floor. With the king held upside-down, the Dane kissed the foot."


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
19th of August

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Norway has a show about nice Danish homes. That's all. Don't read anything into it, Denmark.


See more of Norway Denmark
12th of August