Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 38

Snoopy Russia

Snoopy Russia

Russia has been acting rather pushy towards the Scandinavians lately.

Sweden noticed suspicious submarine activity along it's east coast (the Russians have a history of occasionally snooping around in Swedish waters) and Denmark had to send out fighter aircrafts to chase away Russian planes from Danish airspace.

No one is actually fearing an attack at this point though. It just feels like Russia is showing off.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Russia
18th of November



I've seen so many women do this, so I can only imagine the Scandinavian ladies did the same after they settled their differences.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
12th of November
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Wealth is such a burden

Wealth is such a burden

Norway is by far the wealthiest Nordic country.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
4th of November

An attempt was made at Halloween

An attempt was made at Halloween

Don't be too hard on them. They're new to the American version of Halloween and get a bit confused about some of the things.

They're dressed in different types of costumes: sexy, scary, and fandom.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
28th of October

Only the most necessary

Only the most necessary

I assumed a pool was only for the very wealthy and got confused at all the pictures of swimming pools from America, so my friend who practically grew up in the US and still visits the states every year joked that getting a pool is very high on Americans' list of things they need in their life.

"They make sure they have a house, a bed, food, and then a pool"


See more of America
21st of October
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Have a safe trip home

Have a safe trip home

This was a way to get rid of unwanted guests in Iceland back in the day.

Feed them poisonous shark that hadn't been fermented quite long enough, then send them stumbling in the direction of the nearest lava.


See more of Iceland Denmark Hakarl
15th of October

Flu Season

Flu Season

Happy flu season everybody!

Sickness has also taken hold of this house, so sorry about the late and simple comic. I'll try to do better next week. :)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Demon Cat
8th of October

Close Call

Close Call

The Scots voted on their independence, and though they voted no, the no supporters only won with 55,4% making it almost a tie.

No doubt Scotland's feelings for England are complicated.


See more of Scotland England
30th of September

Office Pet

Office Pet

In China you can make a living just from being white. Just sit around at an office/meeting/bar/you name it and be white, all because white people are pretty rare and exotic in China.

These people are often referred to as "pets" because they are told what to do and how to dress, but have no real purpose other than to hang around and just exist, yet cost money.


See more of China Denmark
23rd of September

The monster lurks in the dark

The monster lurks in the dark

Sweden just had an election, and as it turns out, their "racist party" Sverigedemokraterna gains more and more supporters with each election.


See more of Sweden Denmark
16th of September