Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 70

Obama is in Town

Obama is in Town

America’s excuse is that he is worst kind of republican ever. :XD:

Denmark saying, "The master negro" needs some explaining.

The Danish words for "downer" ("nedern") and "the negro" ("negern") sound very alike. That has hilarious results when people from certain parts of the country try to say, "That’s such a downer". These poor people are not being racist. They just mean to say “downer” and it comes out as "the negro" because of their dialect.

On top of that we often use the word "master" instead of "very". ("That was master cool!")

So if people with a certain dialect want to say that something is "Very much a downer" it comes out as "It’s the master negro".

It's hilarious. :XD:


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden America
4th of October

If it was Hetalia

If it was Hetalia

I was watching a music video about the Nordic countries from Hetalia, and couldn’t help but wonder what kind of relationship my characters would have if they were paired off like in Hetalia.

Needless to say, the dynamics would be a lot different. And poor Iceland is all alone. :XD:


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Iceland
2nd of October
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Denmark the Artist

Denmark the Artist

You thought I would ignore the Muhammed drawings? I’m a Dane! We fucking love to joke about it!

See Sweden and Norway? This is what happens when you leave Denmark alone for too long. He starts drawing!

I have only sort of hinted at it so far, but Denmark is supposed to be racist without realising it. Especially this little incident gave us that reputation.

Bonus info: The irony of the flag-burning? According to tradition, the only way to get rid of Dannebrog (name of the Danish flag) without offending it, is to burn it. :XD:


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Syria Iran America
1st of October

The Nordic Band

The Nordic Band

Watch it here -->

A little video I made. It’s just a series of pictures, not an animation, but I hope you’ll think it’s funny anyway. All I can say is, “Don’t annoy Finland when he is being creative” :XD:

Norway on guitar
Denmark on drums
Iceland on bass
Sweden on electronic keyboard
Finland on Sweden’s electronic keyboard

Yes, I know the music is horrible and the video is boring at first, but I strongly suggest you watch it to the end. This is all about Finland. :D


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Iceland
30th of September

Not a Nature Lover

Not a Nature Lover

Waterfalls are BIG and NOISY and they’re made of WATER THAT FALLS!!!! That’s some scary shit!!

Sorry for all these “Denmark is scared of nature” jokes, but this was the first thing I thought of when I saw this photo because waterfalls is something we defiantly don’t have in Denmark.

How he managed to not notice it before now is a mystery. Maybe he thought it was the sound of city traffic or something. Wonder for how long they'll be standing like that. :XD:

The picture belongs to and can be found here


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden
28th of September
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Stop Your Meddling

Stop Your Meddling

Well, isn’t this how it works most of the time. :XD:


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden America
26th of September

Too big for Denmark

Too big for Denmark

Another “Denmark is scared of nature” joke, this time disguised as a cheap sex joke.

I thought it would be funny to post this now after all that talk about their sexualities. Hopefully you were thinking, “NOO!! She’s turning it into a slash comic!” at least for a second. :giggle:


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden
25th of September

The Nordic Fellows

The Nordic Fellows

People have asked for a more realistic version of the Nordic countries from my comic for longer than I can remember, so here they are. High differences and all. Enjoy.

From left to right: Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway.


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Iceland
23rd of September

Sauna Time

Sauna Time

Well, Finland is a mute! He couldn’t tell them what they were supposed to do, so he had to show them!

I just knew people were wondering what Finland’s hair looks like, and seeing as I never intended it to be a mystery, here it is.

And don’t worry. I won’t stop drawing these comics for a loooooong time. You just won’t get a new one every single day. :)


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland
22nd of September

Reality Hits

Reality Hits

America is getting darker. It won’t be long before white people are a minority.

America does not like! :XD:
And his hair is of course not turning black because it's bleached.


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden America
15th of September