Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 29

Eurovision 2016

Eurovision 2016

As per tradition, here's the yearly Eurovision comic.

This Eurovision had a lot of firsts: Australia became an official participant despite preforming last year, the show was shown on American TV, an American preformed, and not a single Nordic country made it to the finals except Sweden because they were hosting the show.

I actually hope America joins Eurovision some day because they'd be the most amazing drama queens every time they lost, and nothing says Eurovision like drama.


See more of Sweden Europe Ukraine Russia Australia Finland Denmark America Norway Iceland Eurovision Demon Cat
17th of May



It was very important to me that England would dart Ireland over some trivial bullshit.


See more of Ireland England
11th of May
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To be fair, sometimes Norway plays a Viking too.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark
4th of May

The roof is on fire, eh?

The roof is on fire, eh?

During U.S.A's early history British/Canadian armed forces burned down the first White House (or Presidential Mansion as it was called). This was (in part) retaliation for American troops destroying Port Dover.


See more of America Canada
26th of April

We're all too fragile for this world

We're all too fragile for this world

Yeah, we don't get a lot of sun up here in the North so the government makes sure to inform immigrants and women who wear veils that they need to take vitamin D supplements.


See more of Norway Central African Republic
20th of April
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The Exorcism

The Exorcism

Brother Finland you came here to find peace. You need to stop this.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland
12th of April

Run your hats off

Run your hats off

Back in the day a tradition of women stealing men's hats and then demanding money to return it could be found all over Denmark.

It started when a woman had given birth and people came to see the newborn. Men had to hand over their hats when entertaining a house, and women started demanding money to give it back. Eventually men couldn't walk past a field where a lot of women were working without being chased down and having their hats stolen.

The whole things was seen a pretty harmless though because the women didn't demand a lot of money and didn't harm the men, and sure, being seen without a hat was embarrassing for a man, but not like "Oh no my head is naked! My honor has been destroyed!" embarrassing, so no one pressed charges and it was allowed to continue for generations.
(And people probably thought the sight of a man running at full speed with a group of women at his heels grabbing at his hat was pretty amusing)

In some areas men started saying "No! I will not pay! Keep the hat!" and as a result women in those areas started wearing men's hats as part of their casual clothes.


See more of Denmark
6th of April

Dress the Part

Dress the Part

It's a common misconception that because Denmark doesn't have an official national costume, Denmark doesn't have festive folk-dresses at all. Nothing could be further from the truth. Different areas have wildly different clothes though, so in one area men wore huge baggy pants, in another women wore men's top-hats, in another people wore masks that covered their whole face when outside, and the list goes on.

One of the reasons why Denmark doesn't have one official national dress is because the Faroe Islands and Greenland were part of Denmark for so long, and having one standard dress would be like erasing theirs.


See more of Faroe Islands Greenland Norway Sweden Denmark Sister Sweden Sister Norway Sister Denmark Sister Faroe Islands
30th of March

Humans never change

Humans never change

This is all I can think about when archaeologists talk about phallus symbols as part of ancient religions we know nothing or very little about. Why not just assume people back then also had childish humor?


See more of Europe Cave Men Tools
23rd of March

Manners are important

Manners are important

I actually don't know if this is the case all over China or just some parts, but I've seen it mentioned in a lot of places.


See more of China Russia
15th of March