Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 26

Nice time to stay indoors

Nice time to stay indoors

To be fair, it's fucking up the rhythm of our animal life quite a bit.


See more of Ethiopia Philippines America Denmark Norway Sweden
24th of November

Ladybug around the world

Ladybug around the world

I loved making this and will probably make more.


See more of England Sweden Spain Korea Norway Iceland Scotland Russia Poland Wales Denmark
18th of November
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Makeover of 2016

Makeover of 2016

I warned you America would get a makeover if Trump won. This won't be a one-off joke either. He'll look like this for the next four years. Eight if America picks him again.

Sister America will stay the same because she belongs to the American Left.

EDIT: I will be the happiest person a live if four or eight years a from now I'll have to eat every bad thing I've ever said about Trump. Sometimes realizing you were wrong can be the best feeling in the world.

But Nazi Germany is in this comic because a lot of neo-Nazi groups and the KKK have supported Trump publicly because of his xenophobic, racist and sexist views. So you might have voted for him despite of those things, but they voted for him because of it.

So I will be beyond happy if you and Trump together prove the terrified Lefties and the happy Nazis and clan members wrong.


See more of America Europe China Russia Germany
9th of November

Friendship Bracelet

Friendship Bracelet

That big fancy bridge between Sweden and Denmark? One of the more hilarious parts about it's construction is that the Swedes started their part before the Danes has completely agreed to it, so suddenly the Danes had to hurry up if they wanted to meet the Swedes halfway. That's partly why the train connection between the countries is a bride on the Danish side but a tunnel on the Swedish side. It was quicker and cheaper to build a bridge.

You can however drive over the ocean all the way in a car.

EDIT: Oh would you look at that. I completely fucked up which side is a bridge and which side is a tunnel. Of well, yet ANOTHER unfortunately side effect of having a human do anything ever, especially one as stressed out as me right now. I hope you can one day find it in your hearts to forgive me for this grave mistake.


See more of Denmark Sweden
5th of November

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange

Danish media is very excited about Mads Mikkelsen being in Doctor Strange, but we all know nobody outside Denmark will remember his character because that's just how Marvel rolls.


See more of America Denmark Europe China Sweden
28th of October
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Icelandic Cookbook

Icelandic Cookbook

I'm just impressed the Icelandic people came up with such a long process to remove poison.


See more of Iceland Norway Hakarl
21st of October

Taxes, Healthcare and Culture

Taxes, Healthcare and Culture

"I wish you well, have a good life, please don't write"


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden America
14th of October

The little voice in America's head

The little voice in America's head

We have a lot of nut jobs in Europe too, the difference is that their range is limited so they only really fuck their own country up.

It's a common joke/wish in the rest of the world the everybody should be allowed to vote in American elections because everything America does has such huge consequences for the rest of the world.


See more of America Europe
7th of October

In the eye of the beholder

In the eye of the beholder

The saga of the cave men and the European archaeologist continues.

But seriously, how many times have I seen articles by archaeologists talking about how something is supposed to symbolize a vagina, but it's just a hole in a wall.

I suspect archaeologists just see vaginas everywhere.


See more of Europe Cave Men
30th of September

Space Attack!

Space Attack!

Early Russian space capsules had text on the outside telling people not to be afraid, it's just a human inside, because they feared people's reactions.


See more of Russia
23rd of September