Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 30

How could it possibly go wrong

How could it possibly go wrong

People in New Zealand have invented an angry robot. It's intended teach salesmen how to handle angry customers.

But clearly the people of New Zealand have never watched Terminator.


See more of New Zealand Australia
9th of February

Some are more hospitable than others

Some are more hospitable than others

The Faroe Islands aren't exactly overrun with animals in the first place, but dear lord the conditions sounds harsh for anyone or anything that can't hide indoors. Like my Faoese housemate told me "There's always salt on my parents' windows because the wind sprays sea water everywhere, and they live pretty far from the coast"


See more of Faroe Islands Australia
4th of February
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Viking Fashion Disaster

Viking Fashion Disaster

To be fair, Viking women could demand divorce for some pretty minor things, like her husband showing too much chest in public.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark North
26th of January

Sheepish Food Cravings

Sheepish Food Cravings

I got to taste some fermented sheep the other day that my Faroese housemate got from her home country. I actually rather liked it and thought it tasted and smelled like very mature cheese (my Danish housemate however thought it smelled "wrong" and proceeded to open the door to vent out, not caring how much frost she let in)

However, I got a bit concerned when she told me you can't buy it in stores, so if you want it you have to make it yourself...


See more of Faroe Islands Norway Sweden Denmark
19th of January

Of Evil!

Of Evil!

Danish people had no idea how to rename American movies back in the day.

Feel free to tell me about some silly renamed American movie titles in your country and they might end up in a comic later. :)


See more of America Denmark
13th of January
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Two ways about it

Two ways about it

Finns are always talking about how much the cold doesn't bother them, while Russians refuse fuck around with it.

I once traveled in the winter with a group of friends. Most of us were just wearing a winter jacket, but the one Russian wore no less than two woolen sweaters and two thick jackets, wrapped a scarf around his head and put a hat on top.


See more of Finland Russia
6th of January

New Year 2015-2016

New Year 2015-2016

Take care of yourself and each other this New Year's Eve, okay?


See more of Australia Europe Ireland America China
30th of December

The joy of giving

The joy of giving

It hasn't happened yet, but Norway is thinking of giving Finland one of their mountains for Finland's 100th anniversary of independence.

In Norway they celebrate their independence every year with a big party so it's no wonder they want to make Finland's independence day special too.


See more of Norway Finland
22nd of December

Keep your hands to yourself

Keep your hands to yourself

Sorry about the no comic thing, but I promise to at least provide you with interesting facts until my arm gets better.


See more of Norway Denmark
15th of December

Force was needed

Force was needed

Obviously this is NOT what the army was used for, but I'd be lying if I said this wasn't the first image that popped into my mind when I read that.


See more of England
8th of December