Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 10

Hello my fellow children

Hello my fellow children

In several states in the U.S. you can get a fine for trick or treating if you're over the age of 14.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark America Halloween
1st of November

Here's a thought

Here's a thought

According to a fair few Swedes I've talked to this is a thing about Danes that really pisses them off, and it's even funnier because few Danes know about it.


See more of Finland Iceland Sweden Denmark Norway Demoncat
25th of October
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I swear Australia is just filled with real life pokemon

I swear Australia is just filled with real life pokemon

At some point England will have to ask himself if it was something about his parenting that made his kids turn out this way.


See more of England Australia
18th of October

The boat is being floated

The boat is being floated

This is an honest concern for some people, and all I can say is, hey whatever floats your boat.
Brits have quite the fascination with dogging. And by that I mean, pay attention and you'll notice how often it shows up in British shows and movies.


See more of England
11th of October



Basically the reaction I've seen from most Australians regarding that photo.


See more of Australia
5th of October
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Gotta hunt them seals.


See more of Greenland America
28th of September

Picking and choosing

Picking and choosing

It's a very common reaction in the Nordic countries to just dismiss Iceland's place on lists because they are so few people. I was reminded of this when I overheard two people talk about this list and one of them said "We have more people in our capital than they have people in their whole country. Of course it's easy to keep a place like that safe". Sweden had much the same reaction when Iceland was higher up on the list than them regarding gender equality. It's just a way for the rest of the Nordic countries to bump ourselves further up positive lists.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland
20th of September

Hangry computer

Hangry computer

In Taiwan there's a belief among a lot of people that electronics will only work if you place Kuai Kuai snacks near them. Therefore, if you see a small bag of snacks on a computer in Taiwan DO NOT TOUCH!


See more of Sweden Taiwan
14th of September

Sand in bad places

Sand in bad places

It's always fun to learn about new things to be afraid of.


See more of Denmark Netherlands Europe
7th of September

Armed to immobilize

Armed to immobilize

Everybody everywhere understands why some Americans want to arm teachers NOW because schools shootings are a systemic problem that will take YEARS to fix, but more deadly weapons in schools probably isn't a good idea.


See more of Japan America
30th of August