Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 12

Eurovision 2019

Eurovision 2019

They found a compromise. Iceland covered up, but with rubber clothes under the leather straps.


See more of Europe Iceland
17th of May

Hot Brew

Hot Brew

The problem is that the device thinks people who drink tea have been taking drugs.


See more of Canada Quebec
10th of May
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Respect your elders

Respect your elders

Sogen Kato was believed to be the oldest man in Tokyo up until 2010 when officials finally entered his apartment and realized that he had died at the age of 79 in 1978. His death had been kept a secret by his family who were collecting his pension. This lead to a huge search for all people over 100 years, and it turned out that Japan couldn't document the whereabouts of 234,354 supposed centenarians.


See more of Japan
3rd of May

Say hello to your new roommate

Say hello to your new roommate

Most places in the US people buy a spot for their family member that is supposed to be everlasting.

In Europe however it's common practice to reuse graves. People buy a spot for however long it's expected for a body/urn to decompose. After that they can choose to re-buy the spot for another number of years if they so wish. If they don't want to, another person will be buried there.


See more of America Europe
27th of April



Are you guys ready for the zombie pig apocalypse?


See more of America Canada
19th of April
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Bend the truth on your job application

Bend the truth on your job application

The opera Porgy and Bess is supposed to have an all-black cast, but an Hungarian opera house got around that rule by only hiring white singers who signed a document saying they identified with black culture.


See more of Hungary
12th of April

Public transport

Public transport

Australia has different problems than the rest of us. Sometimes they get so many centipedes on their train tracks the trains can't run. The centipedes even caused a train crash once.


See more of Sweden England Australia
5th of April

The ideal woman is fictional

The ideal woman is fictional

I was waiting in line to see Captain Marvel when I read the study.


See more of America Sweden Norway Denmark
29th of March

Was he attacked by a stripper?

Was he attacked by a stripper?

Why is the human species so fragile?


See more of England
22nd of March

Let me sing you the song of my people

Let me sing you the song of my people

Of course more stuff goes on in the anthems, but I asked around and this were foreigners main impressions of the songs.


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Iceland
15th of March