Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 59

The Scariest Ghost Ever

The Scariest Ghost Ever

Greenland showing off his ghost-taming skillz.

The belief in spirits is very much alive in Greenland. If people move into a new house or an office, it’s not unusual to have a shaman come and chase old ghosts and what not out.

It’s a rather sad stereotype in Denmark that Greenlanders are alcoholics, mainly because we usually choose to ignore that the alcohol problem was our fault. We introduced it into a culture that had never had it before and then just let it run wild.

Yes, I’m throwing these comics after you now because I have 10 of them just lying around waiting to get posted. :XD:


See more of Greenland Denmark Finland Halloween Beerghost Whale
9th of August

Child of the Night

Child of the Night

Throughout the world Romania have two stereotypes: Vampires and thieving gipsies.

So of course Romania is a vampire who would rather steal your purse than drink your blood. Yes, I know that makes me a horrible person. :XD:

And yes, that is Sister England. Yes, I know you English people envisioned her differently, but this is the kind of women we see in your TV series and movies, so this is what she looks like. :D


See more of Iceland Romania Norway Denmark England America Halloween
8th of August
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Religious Flags

Religious Flags

Naughty France. :D

The “no religious symbols” laws are only meant for schools, so I was a bit creative with this one.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway France Italy
7th of August

Party Crasher

Party Crasher

Oh how often I have been asked by Estonians, “Where is Estonia? We’re a Nordic country too!”

Problem is, the other Nordics doesn’t think so. :XD:

I asked around what the stereotypes for the Baltic countries were, and the overall answer was, “Very depressed people who wear grey and live in grey houses”

Estonia have a good relationship with Finland, which is why he doesn’t hide, but he doesn’t consider her a Nordic either which is why he doesn’t let her in. The Finland’ish hat is because Estonians are seen as being very much like Finns by the other Baltics.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Iceland Finland Estonia Latvia Lithuania
4th of August

Drama Bear

Drama Bear


A few days ago a pair of Norwegians were attacked by a polar bear while they were sleeping in their tent. They were supposed to be the first tourists on a new rout on one of Norway’s more famous islands, Svalbard.

My first thought when seeing that on the news was, "Well Norway, seems like not even you can be friends with all animals..." :D

And don't worry. While one of the guys got hurt quite a bit, they both survived. :)


See more of Svalbard Norway Denmark Iceland Sweden
2nd of August
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Even Nazis have Needs

Even Nazis have Needs

Thre's a story going around that it bothered Hitler that his soldiers were copulating with non-aryan women, and to stop it he got the idea for a sex doll. He did however not trust German scientists with this task, so he asked the Danish ones he had instead. Apparently they had a better knowledge of such things. :XD:

The dolls were never made, but Hitler wanted them to have blond hair, blue eyes and big breasts.


See more of Denmark Nazi Germany
1st of August

Highest Points

Highest Points

Well, it speaks for itself.

I almost put Greenland in with it's 3.694,00 meters but didn't want to steal Norway's spotlight.
Thinking about it, I might do another one including Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Åland.


See more of Denmark Finland Sweden Iceland Norway
1st of August

Germany on Vacation

Germany on Vacation

German tourists dig deep holes in Dutch and Danish beaches and steal “Beware of Moose” signs in Sweden and Norway.

The two things have to be connected somehow, or the world no longer makes sense! D:


See more of Germany Netherlands Denmark Norway Sweden
1st of August

Suggestive Talk

Suggestive Talk

All that just to try and pick up Sister Japan. :XD:

A silly idea that didn’t deserve an entire comic.

I was talking with a German girl about how more than half of Denmark’s tourists are from Germany, and that something like 70% of the people who rent summer houses here are Germans. And if we don’t get as many Germans as usual, we start to worry we did something wrong and that the Germans no longer like us.

She said, “Aw, don’t worry. We just need to see other countries every now and then, but Germany will always love Denmark.”

And the most natural response was of course, “Don’t tell Sister America that. It does not work with her Norway/Denmark ship” :XD:


See more of America Japan Denmark Germany
30th of July

The mind of a child

The mind of a child

England got his proper flag this time, mainly because I’m a lazy fuck who hates drawing the UK flag over and over.

Anyway, the story behind this is that it took forever for Denmark and England to become friends while Sweden and especially Norway befriended him fairly quickly. Denmark on the other hand got friendly with Russia whom most of the world didn't like. :XD:


See more of England Denmark Norway Sweden Russia
28th of July