Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 37

One bird in the hand

One bird in the hand

My Faroese housemate was telling me about her country's local birds, and that was when I realized what stupid names we've been giving said birds here in Denmark.


See more of Faroe Islands Denmark
13th of January

Bright Lights

Bright Lights

Auroras can be quite serious business up here in the north, especially because some have more than others.


See more of Sweden Iceland Norway Finland Denmark Poster
6th of January
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New Year 2014-2015

New Year 2014-2015

Happy New Year everyone! May the next 12 months (and the rest of your life) be filled with all the things you don't necessarily want but are good for you!

In Denmark it's a tradition to jump from a chair (or anything really) right before midnight so that you set off in the old year and land on the ground in the new year for good luck.

When this was first explained to me as a child, I though it meant you could jump whenever and skip ahead to New Year if only you knew the right way to do it.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Iceland
30th of December

Christmas Kitten

Christmas Kitten

You get an early Christmas comic this year because I'm leaving for the holidays and won't get much internet time.

This creature is also known as the Yule Cat, but I thought Christmas Cat sounded funnier.


See more of Iceland Sweden Denmark Norway Finland
23rd of December

Late December

Late December

I'll let you guess.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Iceland Christmas
20th of December
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Flag Day Every Day

Flag Day Every Day

Few countries are as obsessed with their flag as Denmark...


See more of Denmark Germany Nazi Germany Prussia
16th of December

Welcome to OH NO

Welcome to OH NO

Let's just say Sweden and Denmark's attitudes towards immigrants are very different. I suggest a middle way.


See more of Somalia Sweden Denmark
9th of December

Family Time

Family Time

My housemate who has spent a good chunk of her life in the US told me about how if Americans say they'll make cookies, more often than not they mean take out a roll of premade cookie dough they bought at the store, cut it into slices and bake it in an oven.

I on the other hand, leaned while living in England that the English looove putting grated cheese on everything. Everything!


See more of America England
2nd of December

Great Deal

Great Deal

Australia is quite literally "selling sand in Sahara" because Australian sand is better for building with than Sahara sand.

So Australia is neither. He just had something Sahara could use.


See more of Australia Sahara America England
25th of November

Snoopy Russia

Snoopy Russia

Russia has been acting rather pushy towards the Scandinavians lately.

Sweden noticed suspicious submarine activity along it's east coast (the Russians have a history of occasionally snooping around in Swedish waters) and Denmark had to send out fighter aircrafts to chase away Russian planes from Danish airspace.

No one is actually fearing an attack at this point though. It just feels like Russia is showing off.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Russia
18th of November