Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 50

Too little butter

Too little butter

The butter crisis in Norway is the source of much amusement.

A Danish morning show did however send a big donation of butter to Norway, so they can keep going for a bit longer.:XD:


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
14th of December

Coping Mechanisms

Coping Mechanisms

England later kicked all of their asses, but that's besides the joke.

Scotland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark share a lot of history, which is why they share a lot of words in their languages, and a lot of the old myths are the same as well.

They also all did some things that the English considered rather feminine. Of course there's the kilt (which is even an old Scandinavian word) which the English confused with a skirt, and the vikings were obsessed with combing and braiding their hair, not to mention being clean. They washed their faces every day and their entire body once a week. Doesn't seem like much to us today, but to the English it was weird (Not that the vikings washed that often, but that they did it at all).


See more of England America Denmark Sweden Norway Scotland
3rd of December
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Wild Ghost

Wild Ghost

Norway was very proud of their wild albino moose, which they had lovingly named Albin, and the local hunting community had agreed not to hurt it.

Then along comes a Danish hunter who hadn't herd about this rule, and shoots it. The Norwegian anger seemed like it would never end.

In Denmark the case has mainly been turned into a joke. Not because of the death of poor Albin which everybody agrees is sad and stupid, but because for a while the Norwegian media acted like all Danes ever born had put a bullet in Albin personally, when the truth is that most would run in the opposite direction at the sight of anything with horns.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
28th of November

Friendship Flag

Friendship Flag

Damn you Southern States for using the idea first!!


See more of America Norway
15th of November



Don't show that stuff in Denmark's face if it can't get him drunk!!

We had loads of fun with the English pennies while I was in England. :XD:

And a new font because I've long been wanting to use one that mix better with the drawings. :)


See more of Denmark England
6th of November
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Now for sale


See more of Iceland Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Poster
11th of October

Iceland ain't right

Iceland ain't right

During a volcanic eruption in 1973 on Iceland the lava started flowing towards a harbor. Fishing was responsible for almost all of Iceland's income, so to save the harbor they decided to try and control the lava flow's path by pouring water on it. Day and night they pumped water from the sea on it and ran back and forth across the still not quite cooled lava, melting the soles under their shoes. The plan worked, and the harbor was saved.

In other words, Icelanders can walk on lava and control it's flow. I'm telling ya', that just ain't right!

And to my supporters: Go suggest things for me to make comics about here I'm only listening to you guys now, so you hold all the power in your hands!


See more of Sweden Iceland Norway Denmark Demon Cat
20th of September

Danish household

Danish household

Out in the big world he's known as Denmark, but back at home he's known as Sjælland (Sealand/Zealand, but has nothing to do with New Zealand). He's the head of the household (has the goverment), and the wildest of the four. He's open minded (not much to people with dark skin though, but still more than the others), promiscuous, and self important. Has a tendency to look down at the others and doesn't like Jylland much, whom he consider slow and boring.

Jylland (Jutland) in turn doesn't like Sjælland either, and often calls him a Swede or Devil Island. He's a hard worker who doesn't say much and enjoys nature far more than Sjælland. He is very practical and has very few things that are just meant to be pretty. He loves porcelain figurines though.
He has a love/hate relationship with Germany as well because he lost a lot of land to Germany, but at the same time often visits him for a drink.

Fyn (Funen) is often caught in the middle of Jylland and Sjælland's fights, though she prefer Jylland. She's very sweet and nice, but is often mocked by the others for being unimportant and kinda geeky. Other times they just forget her completely.

Bornholm lives by himself on the other side of Sweden. He may be the smallest, but he is considered the best looking, and though Sjælland sometimes calls him a "backup Swede" he also absolutely adores him and has lovingly named Bornholm "Pearl of the Baltic Sea". Bornholm is a tough little guy who has fought off both Sweden and Russia, and it's a big part of his identity that he chose to be Danish, unlike Iceland, Faroe Islands and Greenland.

These are just the main four. There's also Lolland and Jylland could be three characters. :XD:

I know people will now ask me to draw the different regions of their country, but I suggest you do it yourself, as you probably know the regions and the stereotypes better than I ever will.


See more of Denmark Jylland Fyn Bornholm
15th of September

A trip into American culture

A trip into American culture

This idea was suggested by Jess9000 and won with 766 votes.
Go suggest a comic or vote on this site

They wanted to see the Scandinavian boys visiting America for once and get a taste of American culture, Peanut Butter being of special interest. We do have Peanut Butter up here in the North now like most American stuff, but for the sake of the comic lets say this was the first time they encountered it. :D

I have no idea how many people will get the last part, but it's a joke on the old American show "Mister Ed" from the 60's about a horse that could talk. When asked how they got the horse to move it's lips when "talking" the people behind the show claimed it was done by putting peanut butter on it's gums (they later told they had trained it to do so, but didn't want to disappoint the children who watched the show).

I honestly have no idea why I know about that show in the first place. :XD:


See more of America Norway Sweden Denmark
5th of September

Tiny Giant Monsters

Tiny Giant Monsters

Speaks for itself really. :XD:


Something I always thought was kinda funny/cute in the Reptilicus movie was that when the Danes are told that the monster is flying North, they immediately go, "Oslo!!?!" (Norway's capital) and sound less alarmed when they find out it's heading for Sweden's capital. :XD:


See more of Denmark Japan America Godzilla
17th of August