Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 39



If you look up the Estonian flag you'll find a few Nordic designs among the official flag. They are a product of Estonia feeling Nordic, and were suggested as their new flag but it has never been used for anything.

Also, sorry for the very late comic. It's been some eventful days, and to make a long story short I forgot it was Wednesday...


See more of Sweden Denmark Faroe Islands Iceland Finland Estonia Norway
6th of August

No Problem

No Problem

There's plenty of good things about Christiania, but when it comes to drugs they suffer from a rather bad case of "pretending there is no problem".

It's not unusual for Hells Angels members to beat up people who try to deal in Christiania without their permission, and sometimes it ends in murder.


See more of Denmark Christiania
30th of July
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Always watch your drink

Always watch your drink

To Europeans it seems weird and oddly suspicious at first that some American products boast that they contain real sugar, until we remember that Americans usually use corn syrup.


See more of America Europe
22nd of July

Football Feelings

Football Feelings

Congratulations Germany! Don't get too drunk and remember to not make any important decisions while you're this high on happy. ;)


See more of Germany
15th of July

So long suckers

So long suckers

The women are leaving the Faroe Islands, so lonely men are becoming a real problem.


See more of India China Faroe Islands Sister Faroe Islands
9th of July
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Scandinavian Design

Scandinavian Design

Kuwait is getting real tired of your shit guys.

The Kuwait National Assembly Building was designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the same guy who designed the Sydney Opera House. To illustrate his idea to the Kuwaiti people, he used a row of empty beer bottles.

When the Kuwaiti people asked the Swedish architect Sune Lindström for a new tower, his original idea was to make it mushroom shaped, but he was asked to change the design, so Sune's Danish wife Malene Bjørn made a new design which is now Kuwait's most famous building.

The Towers were build before the National Assembly. I just thought it was funnier this way.


See more of Kuwait Denmark Sweden Australia
1st of July



I didn't even have to come up with a joke for this one. The fact that they really named it that is all you need to know.


See more of Europe Chile
24th of June

Picky Denmark

Picky Denmark

Denmark have some of the strictest food laws in the world, which is kind of pissing the rest of Europe off because it means they can't sell their stuff to Denmark.

One of the first things I noticed when I moved back to Denmark after having lived in England for a year was how quickly food went bad, so it would seem Denmark is quite picky about chemicals in the food too.


See more of Congo China America Europe Denmark
17th of June

Where's my f***ing sweets

Where's my f***ing sweets

My Faroese friend told me about World War II on the Faroe Islands.

A lot of British soldiers were stationed there, and got quite popular by behaving nicely and exchanging chocolate for lighters. They were so well liked the Faroese people often gave them food for free and invited them to dances.

The Norwegian soldiers however made themselves unpopular by behaving less polite and taking lighters without giving anything in return.

To this day some of the older generation on the islands still dislike Norwegians for this chocolate betrayal.

So remember, never not give people chocolate! They remember that stuff!


See more of Faroe Islands England Norway
10th of June

Sand in weird places

Sand in weird places

This was supposed to be about how it's legal to masturbate in public in Sweden as long as you're not masturbating TO anyone, but then the comic took me weird places.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
3rd of June