Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 18

Sacred Animal

Sacred Animal

At a previous convention some fans told me about their family visiting England and taking photos of *rare* animals.

Sister England then visited Australia and took photos of Kangaroos.

Speaking of conventions: some of the SatW team will be at the MCM London Comic Con and at the London Film & Comic Con.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny

See more of England Japan Sister Japan Dayvi Jenny Cars
4th of April

Similar Tastes

Similar Tastes

My former Faroese housemate moved back to the Faroe Islands some time ago and one day she sent me a photos of some weird horse shaped thing made of wires and filled with stones placed in the sea close to the airport. She was basically like "Look at this shit! Why they do that!?" I assume they were inspired by the creepy demon hose at the American airport?

Faroe Islands and Iceland are close friends because they have pretty similar cultures. What they call a fun night out the rest of us call a horror show.


See more of Iceland Faroe Islands
29th of March
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Just in case

Just in case

Lego recently launched their first bio bricks and have plans for years.

Meanwhile: Norway is working on their "Doomsday" seed vault.

(Our store is back for 1 month!) Store


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny

See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Jenny Dayvi
26th of March



British people eat more ready-made meals than the rest of Europe combined.


See more of England Europe
23rd of March

Could have been Matt Damon

Could have been Matt Damon

NASA asked some Swedish scientists what to do with a dead person on Mars, and this is what they came up with.


See more of America Denmark Norway Sweden
15th of March
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Like in the olden days

Like in the olden days

Us Scandinavians still remember how much Hitler loved us too. The "friendly invasion" to "protect" us was a nice touch.


See more of Norway
8th of March

Every time

Every time

Every time someone talks about free this or that in the Nordic countries an American will pop his head up and yell "It's paid for with your taxes" without fail.

The thing about people not having to live on the street. Of course we have homeless people, but the system is such that you pretty much have to choose to live on the street. I once worked with a guy who also worked with homeless people and he told me that the people you see on the street are the ones who can't handle being part of society at all. The government doesn't want people to live on the street and there's help to be had, but some people just can't cope with modern life. Living in a house means you have responsibilities like bills and if you have a mental illness someone shows up at your place every week expecting you to take your pills, and that's too much for some people so they just leave. The guy didn't say any of this with any kind of judgment btw. He understood why some people might choose to turn their back on society.

I have friends and family with mental health problems who can't work and some can't be trusted to save money for bills, so the government make sure to put some of the money they receive every month aside for them so they can pay rent and won't have to go without heat or water. They try to keep a roof over everyone's head.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark America
2nd of March

Say hello to my little friend

Say hello to my little friend

Not much of a comic today because my hand hurts, but no hand can ever hurt enough to not draw Cheburashka.


See more of Russia Japan
22nd of February



The Danish entry
It's about a pacifist Viking. I think England is right to be a bit suspicious...


See more of England Denmark
16th of February

It's tradition

It's tradition

It's important to keep traditions alive...


See more of England Sweden Norway Denmark
9th of February