Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 19

Thanks Ingvar

Thanks Ingvar

Thanks Ingvar Kamprad. You furnished most of my home.


See more of Sweden Aland Norway Finland Denmark
2nd of February

Yogurt as far as the eye can see

Yogurt as far as the eye can see

Apparently it's a common problem for people who move to Denmark that most cartons that look like they contain milk or juice actually contain yogurt. "This has fruits on it. Surely this is juice" Nope, fruity yogurt. "The stuff that comes out of this carton is super runny. Surely this is milk" Nope, runny yogurt. Danes love yogurt.

Hint, look for the word "mælk". It might say Minimælk, Sødmælk, Skummemælk and so on, but if the letters "mælk" are in there somewhere you can be relatively sure it's milk. I have seen yogurt milk too though, so be careful.


See more of Canada Denmark
25th of January
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Someone for Everyone

Someone for Everyone

There's this "loud obnoxious American tourist" stereotype. Obnoxious? Rarely. Loud? Yes, every time. A lot of Americans who come to Scandinavia comment on how silent it is, while the Scandinavians around them are thinking "It's not silent. You're just talking so loudly you can't hear the crowd around you"

Luckily for American's there's always the Icelandic people. This isn't a stereotype as such, but anyone who has lived next to Icelandic people know how loud they can be (and I have lived next to MANY), so it's no wonder that Americans tend to love them. Icelandic people also tend to be more "walk up and talk to people" types which fits the American culture quite nicely.


See more of America Iceland Sweden Norway Denmark Finland
19th of January

I'm Batman!

I'm Batman!

In Sweden Batman is called Läderlappen which translate to The Leather Patch. Originally Denmark used this name too where it could be translated as The Leather Flap (as in piece of cloth), taking it directly from the Swedish word, but it has since gone out of style. So yeah, I suppose Sweden should be saying Leather Patch but Leather Flap is so much funnier.

In Norway he was known as Lynvingen, The Lightning Wing, for a while.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
11th of January

Return of the lovable dork

Return of the lovable dork

You would not believe how much I've missed Regular America. He's a well meaning buffoon which is why I loved and used him so much. He does stupid shit but is never mean spirited, and throughout the year I kept having ideas for comics, thinking "This would be PERFECT for Ameri- No wait, if Trump America does it it will seem horrible"

So yeah, this is me going "fuck this shit!" and bringing him back. Trump's foolery will be handled by the skin-blob from now on.


See more of America
5th of January
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When cultures meet

When cultures meet

Anyone who has been to a Far Eastern country can tell you that it's considered incredibly disgusting to blow your nose in public. Oddly enough it's not looked down upon to sneeze loudly with an open mouth or spit on the street in places like South Korea.


See more of Sweden South Korea
29th of December

Merry Ukrainian Christmas

Merry Ukrainian Christmas

Happy Holidays boys and girls!

The Legend of the Christmas Spider is actually really cute.

A poor woman was living in a small hut with her children. During summer a pine tree started growing out of their dirt floor and the children tended to it so they'd have a Christmas tree in the winter. However, when Christmas came around they couldn't afford decorations, let alone food and went to bed sad and hungry. The next morning when they opened the windows the sun fell on the tree and revealed that a spider had covered it in cobwebs that glittered like gold and silver. When they looked closer they saw that it was REAL gold and silver. From that day on they always had plenty.


See more of Ukraine Sweden Norway Denmark
22nd of December

Two fools in a restaurant

Two fools in a restaurant

I can't take credit for this observation. Plenty of people have defined the two types of comedy this way, and I'm just spreading it further.

Yes, that is the normal Brother America. It didn't feel right to use Trump America for this. It would have given it a different meaning than intended.


See more of America England
14th of December

100 in European years

100 in European years

Shut up, Denmark. You waited longer to give Iceland independence and you still got Greenland and the Faroe Islands (though neither is fighting for full independence at the moment).

But this is the extremely high price you have to pay for being an independent nation who's doing pretty well for itself: You will be teased mercilessly by your Nordic buddies.

Congratulations Finland. May it be several hundred more years.


See more of Finland Norway Seden Denmark
7th of December

Colourful Scandinavian Houses

Colourful Scandinavian Houses

While at the MCM London Comic Con I was next to the Polish artist Kinga (she has a patreon too) who told me about the word Kurwa.

This is not the first time England has been peeping.


Written by Dayvi.
Illustrated by Jenny.

See more of England Sweden Poland Sister Poland Finland Sister Finland
4th of December