Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 35

Day at the beach

Day at the beach

Germans are crazy about the beach. If you leave them there, there is no guarantee they'll be the same person when you find them again.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Germany Netherlands
14th of April
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Too hot for this world

Too hot for this world

Heat makes the Nordics a little weird in the head, unless their country HAS LAVA COMING OUT OF EVERY HOLE MOTHERFLIPPING ICELAND!!!

The Faroe Islands are possibly the coldest of the countries all year round, so he really doesn't handle heat well.


See more of Sweden Aland Finland Iceland Faroe Islands Norway Denmark
7th of April

Real True News

Real True News

The April Fools' joke about the Swiss spaghetti tress was first made by BBC in England in 1957. Afterwards they got calls from people asking for advise on how to grow such a tree.

It was later "borrowed" by Danish news. Afterwards they started getting calls from annoyed wives who knew spaghetti was made from flour because it said so on the packaging, but their husbands wouldn't believe them because why would the news lie?


See more of Norway Bornholm Denmark
31st of March

Dark Sun

Dark Sun

People rented hotel rooms 16 years in advance to see the total eclipse on the Faroe Islands, so the people who were too slow had to rent rooms with private people, which didn't come cheap. And to top it off, it was overcast on the day of the eclipse.


See more of Faroe Islands Europe America
24th of March
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Happy belated Saint Patrick's Day.

England may be famous for their tea drinking, but Ireland drinks more tea than all of Britain combined.


See more of England Ireland
17th of March

Ride the Dragon

Ride the Dragon

The only thing that has been on TV in my house this week is Dragon Age Inquisition...


See more of Iceland Sweden Norway Finland Denmark
10th of March

Save the day

Save the day

Scandinavian action heroes tend to not be very...bombastic.


See more of America England Sweden Denmark Norway
3rd of March

Love Snake

Love Snake

The English tried to get rid of snakes in India by offering money for dead snakes, and the Indians responded by simply breeding them. When the English found out they stopped paying for dead snakes, so the snake breeders just released them into the wild, and the English ended up having an even bigger snake problem.


See more of England India
24th of February

Hold your tongue

Hold your tongue

I've often read that the ancient Greeks didn't have purses and carried coins in their mouths. There isn't a whole lot of proof of this though.


See more of Greece Italy
17th of February