Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 17

Play date

Play date

Hopefully they'll play nice for a few hours.


See more of America North Korea Europe
14th of June

It's how you use the word

It's how you use the word

I assume that's how languages evolve, yes?


See more of England America
7th of June
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Bear Whisperer

Bear Whisperer

If you haven't already watched "The most Canadian way to get rid of bears" and "Finnish man scares a bear away by shouting PERKELE" do yourself a favor.


See more of Canada Finland
25th of May



China was banned from showing Eurovision because they censored the show. Eurovision is not a force to be messed with. Even Russia knows that.


See more of China Russia Europe
18th of May

Most Cutest

Most Cutest

We all interpret things differently I suppose.


See more of Japan England
10th of May
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Lost the May game

Lost the May game

The maypole is hugely popular in Sweden and you can't have a summer without a maypole. In Denmark the tradition has mostly died out and been replaced with the Saint Hans fire, but there's still a few areas where you can find maypoles in Denmark, and a lot of those places have a "catch the flag" tradition.

On some nights young guys from neighboring towns are allowed to try and steal it, so other young men have to guard their maypole, while another team sneaks over to the other town. Fighting isn't allowed, so stealth is everything and it's all in good fun.

I asked a bunch of Swedes and non of them had ever heard of this tradition in Sweden, so it seemed fitting to have Denmark steal Sweden's maypole.


See more of Sweden Aland Denmark
3rd of May

Lazy Lady

Lazy Lady

There has been a bit of a problem with Denmark deporting people from other Scandinavian countries if they're pregnant and don't have a spouse or the like in Denmark. This law was meant for people with disabilities or those who are too old to work, and unfortunately it also hits pregnant people sometimes if their home country is safe, and especially if they come from another Nordic country.

This is because people get a lot of monetary support if they are unable to work, so the Danish state can't afford to support people who aren't citizens or have no family connections within the country.

It's super weird that pregnant people are sometimes effected by the law though.


See more of Sweden Denmark
27th of April

Thank you so much Petrov

Thank you so much Petrov

Not much of a comic or joke today because I hurt my shoulder yesterday.


See more of Russia
19th of April

You'd think America would love it

You'd think America would love it

Okay, tejo isn't secret, but few people outside South America knows about it.


See more of America Colombia
13th of April

Launching money into space

Launching money into space

The guy in charge of the ASIM program was asked just that, and this was his response. It was the most Danish answer he could possibly have given.


See more of America Denmark
5th of April